Com 10 gols e 13 assistências, o brilho do gaúcho veio justo no grande palco, a Champions League. Na fase de mata-mata, o camisa 11 deu duas assistências contra o Napoli e guardou o dele três vezes contra o PSG nas quartas, apesar da eliminação do time espanhol. Assim como Danilo, o zagueiro nascido na Bahia foi peça indispensável para a defesa dos Bianconeri durante a temporada. Portanto, foi peça fundamental da segunda defesa menos vazada do torneio, atrás apenas da Inter de Milão.
Por se tratar de uma importante premiação, as odds para a Bola de Ouro podem sofrer inúmeras alterações ao longo do tempo. Dependendo da estratégia dos jogadores, é possível apostar antes do evento começar ou mesmo durante a cerimônia. Volante da seleção espanhola e do Manchester City, Rodri é outro forte candidato ao título da Bola de Ouro em 2024. Isso, sobretudo após o título da seleção espanhola na última edição da Eurocopa.
Além de Messi, apenas outros 15 jogadores venceram a principal categoria da premiação, realizada desde 1991. O destaque fica por conta do Brasil, que, com oito troféus, é o país que mais venceu a competição. Com sua habilidade no um contra um, chutes potentes e assistências precisas, ele é um dos jogadores mais emocionantes de se assistir no futebol brasileiro atual. Marinho personifica a paixão e o espírito competitivo que tornam o futebol tão atraente.
A Juventus possui 4 prêmios, conquistados por Zidane, Roberto Baggio e Cannavaro. Ronaldo foi o primeiro a ser contratado após vencer a Copa do Mundo em 2002, vindo da Inter de Milão. Em 2006, Fabio Cannavaro, já contratado pelo Real, ganhou o prêmio por sua temporada anterior na Juventus.
Das estrelas argentinas convocadas, é a única que não foi campeã do mundo. Vini Jr, Jude Bellingham e outros astros disputam a Bola de Ouro 2024. Em 2020, a France Football cancelou a premiação devido à pandemia de Covid-19, sendo essa a primeira vez desde sua criação que a revista não concedeu a Bola de Ouro.
O segundo país com mais conquistas é Portugal, que tem sete, sendo seis delas com o ala Ricardinho. Cristiano Ronaldo, que liderou a lista dos jogadores de futebol mais bem pagos em 2021, retoma o primeiro lugar, com lucro total estimado em US$ 260 milhões. A sua decisão de se mudar para o Al Nassr da Arábia Saudita no início deste ano, após uma ruptura complicada com o Manchester United, deu início efetivamente ao êxodo para o país do Oriente Médio. A previsão é que Ronaldo ganhe US$ 200 milhões em campo, mas seu acordo também deve incluir salários de jogador, bem como incentivos financeiros de acordos comerciais facilitados pelo clube. E embora o Al Nassr provavelmente tenha comprado uma parte de seus direitos de imagem, ele ainda mantém um lucrativo portfólio de patrocínios, incluindo a Nike, ganhando cerca de US$ 60 milhões anualmente.
Mais que isso, só o primeiro ganhador, que foi o inglês Stanley Matthews, que tinha quase 42 anos quando venceu em 1956. Explore as trajetórias inspiradoras dos melhores jogadores nordestinos de todos os tempos. Acesse a editoria Esportes no Jornal da Paraíba e conheça o legado desses ícones que elevaram o Nordeste a um patamar de excelência no futebol. Ídolo do Atlético-MG, Porto e Zenit, Hulk tem uma trajetória brilhante no futebol mundial. Celeiro de grandes craques, o Nordeste continua sendo um formador de grandes atletas.
No ano passado, entre os homens, Lionel Messi superou Haaland conquistou a sua oitava premiação individual da Bola de Ouro. Entre as mulheres, Aitana Bonmati foi escolhida melhor da temporada. A Bola de Ouro acontece desde 1956, mas apenas a partir de 1995 a premiação francesa passou a condecorar jogadores fora do continente europeu. O único ano não realizado foi em 2020 por causa da pandemia da Covid-19. O novo maestro do meio-campo da Espanha desempenha um papel de destaque para seu país, apesar da incerteza sobre seu futuro no PSG.
Osório, de 19 anos, deixou a Universidad do Chile para ir ao Midtjylland, equipe dinamarquesa, e rapidamente chamou a atenção dos principais clubes europeus. O ponta-direita de 1,84 de altura marcou oito gols e distribuiu duas assistências em 24 jogos na sua primeira temporada na Europa. Miguel Terceros, conhecido como Miguelito, é um meia-atacante do Santos e da seleção boliviana.
Destaque do Crystal Palace na última temporada e agora recém-contratado pelo Bayern de Munique, não foi convocado para a Eurocopa 2024, mas, aos 22 anos, irá jogar a Olimpíada pelo seu país. Passou anos no Arsenal, da Inglaterra, e foi peça chave na seleção principal do país. O técnico brasileiro Rogério Micale já disse que acredita em uma medalha para os egípcios e conta com o volante de 32 anos para isso.
A zagueira Tarciane, atualmente no Houston Dash-EUA, e a atacante Gabi Portilho, do Corinthians, serão as representantes brasileiras na disputa pelo prêmio de melhor jogadora da temporada. A cerimônia da Bola de Ouro de 2024 será realizada no dia 28 de outubro, no Théâtre du Châtelet, em Paris. Os mais importantes são a Bola de Ouro para o melhor jogador no masculino e no feminino.
Além disso, Kadioglu foi vinculado a uma possível transferência para Arsenal ou Manchester City após se destacar pelo seu clube, com Brighton, Manchester United e Borussia Dortmund também demonstrando interesse recentemente. Olheiros de nove clubes estavam presentes no jogo das oitavas de final contra a Áustria, quando o jogador de 24 anos quebrou um recorde do torneio ao percorrer 12,2 km na vitória da Turquia por 2 a 1. O Manchester United tem um prêmio, conquistado por Cristiano Ronaldo, e o PSG teve Messi como premiado. Apenas 8 clubes foram representados por jogadores eleitos como o melhor do mundo pela FIFA. Cristiano Ronaldo conquistou ambos os prêmios em 2016 e 2017, enquanto Messi ganhou os dois em 2019, 2022 e 2023. Após Messi e Cristiano Ronaldo, Zinedine Zidane e Ronaldo foram os jogadores mais vezes eleitos como melhores do mundo, com três prêmios cada.
Assim, o Liverpool aparece entre os clubes que podem seguir com interesse nas próximas semanas. Os favoritos ao prêmio Bola de Ouro 2024 são Vinicius Júnior, Jude Bellingham e Rodri. O brasileiro encerrou a temporada de clubes em alta, conquistando três títulos pelo Real Madrid, incluindo a Champions League, mas não se destacou na Copa América pela seleção brasileira. O inglês Bellingham foi vice-campeão da Euro justamente para a Espanha de Rodri, campeão da Premier League e pilar do Manchester City de Guardiola.
Ele foi autor de um dos gols merengues na decisão sa Champions League em Wembley. O Brasil e a Argentina são os países com o maior número de jogadores eleitos como o melhor do mundo pela FIFA, ambos com 8 premiações. Ronaldo conquistou o título em 3 ocasiões, e Ronaldinho Gaúcho em duas.
Além de ter registrado duas assistências e completado três jogos sem sofrer gols, foi eleito como o melhor jogador da equipe na temporada. Júnior, natural de João Pessoa, é considerado um dos maiores ídolos da história do Flamengo, enquanto Marta, seis vezes eleita a melhor jogadora do mundo, brilhou no futebol feminino. Rivaldo, campeão da Copa em 2002, Ricardo Rocha, Vavá, bicampeão mundial, e Zagallo, que conquistou a Copa como jogador, treinador e auxiliar técnico, também foram listados entre os melhores jogadores nordestinos. Após ter atuado no La Coruña, Rivaldo chegou ao Barcelona, onde ganhou todos os títulos possíveis e foi eleito o melhor jogador do mundo em 1999. O ponta de 20 anos chegou ainda na base ao PSV e já soma 64 jogos, 11 gols e 18 assistências, sendo o vice-líder em assistências no Campeonato Holandês, com oito, ficando uma atrás de Joey Veerman.
Porém, a principal delas refere-se a de melhor atleta masculino na modalidade de futebol. Outro aspecto importante é que as odds para a Bola de Ouro têm um funcionamento idêntico ao de outros eventos ou torneios. Embora apareça correndo por fora, o nome de Carvajal também está entre as cinco melhores Odds para a Bola de Ouro. Em nossa análise, isso se deve principalmente ao desempenho do lateral veterano na final da Champions League. Porém, também está diretamente atrelado ao título da seleção espanhola na Euro 2024, onde se destacou.
Depois de apenas nove jogos pelo PSV na temporada passada, a sua primeira na Europa, o ponta de 19 anos foi emprestado ao Girona e tem sido um dos protagonistas da sensação de LALIGA. Além dos cinco gols e cinco assistências, o ponta formado no Atlético-MG tem 50 dribles certos no Campeonato Esoanhol, liderando a estatística. Bellingham teve uma temporada excepcional e conquistou muitos fãs no Real Madrid. Até a Eurocopa, ele chegava com uma boa projeção e, caso fizesse a diferença para a Inglaterra, certamente se colocaria como o principal candidato.
Mas, aos 31 anos, ele certamente chama atenção de muitos clubes, especialmente após a grande atuação contra Portugal nas oitavas de final nos pênaltis. Embora Diogo Costa tenha se destacado ao defender três pênaltis na disputa, Oblak foi excepcional durante os 120 minutos de pressão portuguesa e fez Cristiano Ronaldo chorar ao defender seu pênalti na prorrogação. Depois de anos buscando se encontrar, Lautaro Martínez pode finalmente estar encontrando seu momento na Inter de Milão. Mais eficiente do que nunca na frente do gol, o argentino vem se destacando. Com sua capacidade de rivalizar com nomes como Messi e Álvarez, Martínez tem potencial para se tornar a principal figura da Argentina na próxima Copa América.
Autor de 17 gols e nove assistências em 49 partidas, foi decisivo para o sucesso do time Merengue na temporada, principalmente na Liga dos Campeões. Contra o Manchester City, nas quartas de final, ajudou a equipe com um gol na ida, e outro na volta. Camisa 10 dos Hammers, o cria do Flamengo foi autor de oito gols e sete assistências em 43 jogos, com nível de performance que o mantiveram com vaga cativa na Seleção Brasileira de olho na Copa do Mundo de 2026. O meia, no entanto, agora enfrenta acusações formais pelo caso das apostas.
Sua habilidade em evitar gols cruciais e realizar defesas extraordinárias o coloca no patamar dos melhores goleiros do mundo. No contexto nacional, Alisson é uma peça vital para a estabilidade defensiva nos clubes brasileiros. Além de ter jogado em 40 dos 43 jogos da equipe, fechou a temporada como o melhor assistente do Girona no campeonato nacional, com nove, e o segundo melhor marcador, também com nove. Antes contestado, Raphinha teve uma metade final de temporada de destaque para firmar o posto de titular do Barcelona. Os problemas com lesão fizeram o brasileiro perder espaço com o técnico Xavi e começar a ser utilizado vindo do banco de reservas, mas quando recuperou a forma física teve papel decisivo no time culé.
O vencedor do prêmio será anunciado no dia 28 de outubro, no Théathre du Chatelet, em Paris. Um dos grandes ídolos da seleção marroquina, responsável por levar a seleção africana para uma semifinal da Copa do Mundo – pela primeira vez na história. Chega com status de craque e com a expectativa de continuar fazendo história por Marrocos. Aos 18 anos, a joia do River Plate, já está vendida para o milionário Manchester City, onde atua o compatriota e companheiro de seleção, Julián Álvarez.
Caso tivesse feito uma melhor campanha na competição, provavelmente já teria garantido a Bola de Ouro. Por isso, quem deseja fazer um palpite nesse evento precisa consultar bem as casas e odds disponíveis. Elas podem continuar a variar até outubro, mesmo que os favoritos não mudem.
Na última edição, Lionel Messi e Aitana Bonmatí ficaram com os troféus mais cobiçados. A France Football faz uma lista de 30 finalistas — 20, no feminino — e a submete a jornalistas dos 100 países melhores posicionados no ranking da Fifa. Cada um faz o seu Top-5, e pontuações são dadas de acordo com a posição na lista. Em décimo lugar, Harry Kane, jogador atacante da Bayern München, ganha US$ 26 milhões pelo futebol e US$ 10 milhões fora de campo.
Seu domínio como goleador é indiscutível, sendo atualmente considerado o melhor do mundo em sua função. A transferência para o Manchester City, sob os olhos de Pep Guardiola, demonstra sua capacidade de adaptação à exigente Premier League. A simplicidade em seu jogo torna-o um adversário inevitável, desafiando qualquer ceticismo sobre suas habilidades e consolidando sua posição como uma das estrelas em ascensão no cenário futebolístico mundial.
Harry Kane continua demonstrando sua excelência como goleador, mantendo uma média notável de gols que supera o número de partidas disputadas. Enquanto o atacante do Bayern persegue sua primeira Chuteira de Ouro, o clube enfrenta dificuldades na Bundesliga. Para o jogador, conquistar a Champions League com o clube e liderar a seleção inglesa na Euro 2024 seria crucial para garantir o reconhecimento como um dos melhores do mundo.
Seu desempenho no cenário internacional e sua influência no futebol brasileiro o posicionaram como uma peça-chave nos dias de hoje. A surpresa na convocação para a Copa América veio apenas para quem não está familiarizado com o desempenho de Evanilson dentro de campo. Cria da base do Fluminense, o atacante de 24 anos está no Porto desde 2020 e assumiu o papel de homem-gol nesta temporada. Teve hat-trick em duas ocasiões, uma delas vindo do banco em partida da Liga dos Campeões. Autor de oito gols e dez assistências em todas as competições, o ponta-esquerda ex-Grêmio figurou em todas as 34 partidas do Porto no Campeonato Português, e em sete das oito partidas do clube na Liga dos Campeões. O índice de presença alimenta fortemente o status de titular absoluto do jogador na equipe de Sérgio Conceição.
Seus gols decisivos nos Clássicos desta temporada demonstram sua importância para a equipe merengue, além de sua capacidade de lidar com a pressão em momentos cruciais. No Santiago Bernabéu, ele parece estar em casa, prosperando no ambiente de alta competitividade. Sua presença não só pode ajudar os Blancos a conquistarem títulos internacionais, mas também pode ser a chave para a Inglaterra voltar a brilhar no cenário internacional. Uma das grandes promessas do futebol paraguaio, o jogador do Brighton atuou pela seleção rojiblanca também na Copa América de 2024. Sem muito destaque na competição continental, tentará, nas Olimpíadas, conquistar a segunda medalha olímpica do futebol masculino do Paraguai – conquistaram a prata em 2004.
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“My journey with Netball Namibia has been fulfilling, from my days as a player to my current leadership role. Although my tenure is ending, my commitment to netball remains, and I look forward to supporting this beautiful game in new ways,” she said. Uganda Rugby Union president Godwin Kayangwe expressed excitement about hosting a significant event like the Rugby Africa Cup, which will bring together eight teams. We are also very happy that the event will be hosted at the refurbished Mandela National Stadium, Namboole,” he added. Junior Sables walks into the tournament as defending champions after winning the last two editions that were held in Kenya in 2022 and 2023. In line with World Rugby’s commitment to grow the women’s game, all HSBC SVNS events will see men’s and women’s teams sharing the platform equally to showcase their incredible strength, speed and skill on the biggest stages around the world.
We awarded honorary membership to former presidents Agnes Tjongarero, Carol Garoes, Lydia Kandetu, Lydia Mutenda, and former Vice President Isadore Nell. Their contributions laid the foundation for the growth we celebrate today, and we owe much of our success to their vision and leadership,” said Goagoses. They are Namibia’s best and we are proud of them, but still we dream of that first victory. Kayangwe emphasised the special nature of this event, as it also serves as a qualifier for the 2027 Rugby World Cup.
South Africa’s acting head coach Philip Snyman hailed his squad’s, “amazing performances throughout the weekend”. Jorja Miller touched down twice in the first five minutes en route to a hat-trick in a losing cause, before Maddison Levi settled the tournament in the closing minutes. Fortunately for South Africa he opted to play rugby as he was equally good at football,” added the coach. While preferring to perform at fly-half, he also lined up as a centre for the Lions, and previously turned out for the Blitzboks, the national sevens team. Scrum-half Jaden was part of the 2023 World Cup-winning squad, but could not be considered for the Wales Test due to injury. Officeconomix CEO Paul Oosthuizen, who initiated the event, expressed delight at the support and interest from corporates and the public ahead of the event.
The average caps per player in the backline is 57, the forwards 70, while the players on the bench average 22. Cheslin Kolbe is a South African professional rugby union player who currently plays for Tokyo Sungoliath in the Japan Rugby League One and the South Africa national team. He has also recently featured at fly half for Toulouse in the Top 14, and as a scrum half internationally. Kolbe was a member of the South Africa Sevens team that won a bronze medal at the 2016 Summer Olympics. Kolbe was nominated for 2019 World Rugby Player of the Year but lost to teammate Pieter-Steph du Toit.
They faced the Vodacom Blue Bulls in a friendly match, which resulted in a 93-8 loss, and a Test match against Portugal last weekend, which ended in a defeat. The top eight placed teams based on cumulative series points after seven events will compete in the new ‘winner takes all’ Grand Final, where the women’s and men’s champions will be crowned. Americans were simply outplayed while being prohibited from getting their own game plan off the ground, or they were just not really up for the game on the night can be debated ‘ad infinitum’, but there was really only one team on the field on the night.
“It is the role of these young men to go to this tournament and represent the country with pride. I am not promising any cup wins, but every time we run out to the field, we will give everything for our country; this is my guarantee,” he said. Head coach of the young Namibian rugby team Allister Coetzee said the team has been preparing hard, and is ready to face the competition. All the games will be played at Harare Sports Club with four nations Namibia, Kenya, Tunisia and host Zimbabwe battling for honours.
The 48-year-old de Beer played flyhalf for the South African national team in 13 tests, with 183 points. De Beer, who is currently in South Africa, will relocate to Namibia as he is going to commence his duties in January 2020 to overlook all the rugby-related matters at the Windhoek private school. THE Windhoek Gymnasium appointed former Springbok rugby player Jan Hendrik de Beer, better known Jannie de Beer, has been named the Director of Rugby and its school director, Janneman Brand, as the first-time school rugby team coach.
Namibia have qualified in each of their last six world cups but are yet to record a win. Antoine Dupont is a French professional rugby union player who plays as a scrum-half for Top 14 club Toulouse and captains the France national team. The women’s final was another epic encounter between the top two teams in the world.
The reimagined competition model means fans can expect even more excitement, entertainment and nail-biting jeopardy. And with the clock counting down until rugby sevens kicks off the Olympic Games in Paris on 24 July 2024, the action will be hotter than ever on and off the pitch. Former Springboks head coach Jacques Nienaber, who switched to Leinster after the 2023 World Cup triumph, has described 22-year-old Feinberg-Mngomezulu as “a brilliant rugby player”. Rugby World Cup winners South Africa have included four uncapped players in the matchday 23 for a one-off Test against Wales at Twickenham on Saturday. “We are blessed to have a lot of depth in our squad, and we are in a fortunate position to have several Rugby World Cup-winners in our ranks who know what it takes to perform at the highest level and play against the best teams in the world. The match between the two sides will be the drawcard of a jam-packed Officeconomix Goodwill Challenge which will include at least 10 rugby matches, beginning with a “Get into Rugby” programme from the Namibian Rugby Union to introduce Grade 1 and 2 children to the game.
Namibia’s first match in the tournament will be against Burkina Faso on Saturday at 10h00. Following that, Kenya will face Senegal at 12h00, Algeria will take on Côte d’Ivoire at 14h00 and Zimbabwe will clash with Uganda at 16h00. According to the draws conducted by the Africa Rugby body, the eight teams will compete in a quarterfinal format. The Namibia Rugby Union yesterday afternoon unveiled a 28-man squad set to compete in the Rugby Africa Cup in Kambala, Uganda. The tournament will feature Namibia, host Uganda, Kenya, Senegal, Algeria, Côte d’Ivoire, Burkina Faso and Zimbabwe. It will commence on Saturday, and conclude on 28 July at the Mandela National Stadium.
Winger Edwill van der Merwe and fly-half Jordan Hendrikse, both from the Johannesburg-based Lions, will start the Springboks’ first outing since winning the World Cup in October. Only two teams remain in the hunt for the 2023 Rugby World Cup…New Zealand and South Africa. While current rankings do not perhaps list them as the best teams in the world, few can dispute that they are currently the form sides, especially having battled through from the “tough” side of the draw. The way in which they found their way to the final was, however, very different. The afternoon will be preceded by two reserve league matches, with Wanderers 2 facing UNAM 2 and Kudus 2 taking on Rehoboth 2.
He has won the World Cup, Rugby Championship, and Lions Series with the Springboks, the Top14, and Champions Cup with Toulouse, the Currie Cup with Western Province, and the Challenge Cup with Toulon. He is one of the highest paid rugby players in the world, with a reported salary of between ¥130–155 million yen per season. With rugby world cup around the corner, here’s a really useful website to watch closely if you’re a fan. The official website of Rugby World Cup 2023 features a wealth of information on the upcoming tournament, including the schedule, teams, players, and news. Fans can also purchase tickets, merchandise, and travel packages through the website. In statistics that were released by World Rugby after the first round, there were many positives that the Namibian fans as well as the team and coaching group can take from this match.
Karas, Zambezi, Kunene, and Kavango West regions.
The Rugby Africa Cup last took place in 2022, and acted as a qualifier for the 2023 Rugby World Cup. Namibia emerged victorious in the 2022 edition, defeating Kenya in the final to qualify for the World Cup, which was held in France. “It’s amazing to be here, it’s been a whirlwind,” former sevens specialists Tui said.
Missed tackle stats will be hugely important against them, and unless there is a significant improvement in tackling and defence in general, there will be an unpleasant scoreline for Namibian fans to have to face. Mwiya further highlighted that Namibia remains one of the countries with clean records with regards to doping in sports. According to the New Zimbabwe publication, Zimbabwe Rugby Union (ZRU) president Aaron Jani said his team is ready to host the competition. NSC chief administrator Freddy Mwiya said coupled with his excitement about the team’s participation in the tournament, he highlighted and applauded inclusivity. The 27-year-old won the award ahead of New Zealand teammate and 2017 winnerPortia Woodman, England flanker Alex Matthews, Canadian back row Sophie de Goede and France scrum-half Laure Sansus. At domestic level, he crossed six times as Leinster reached the final of the European Champions Cup before losing to French club La Rochelle.
The 26-year-old has been compared with two-time World Cup winner Pieter-Steph du Toit, who will captain South Africa against Wales as regular skipper Siya Kolisi is unavailable. Also eligible to play for England through his father, South African rugby followers were thrilled when he chose the green and gold. Here, AFP Sport profiles the four newcomers as South Africa prepare to launch a 13-Test season, which begins and ends with internationals against Wales.
We recently hosted another big tournament, Olympic Qualifiers, so based on the experience we got, we are more than prepared for this one,” said the ZRU president. Madrid will also play host to the high stakes relegation play-off competition where teams ranked ninth to 12th will join the top four teams from the World Rugby Sevens Challenger, with the top four placed teams securing their place on HSBC SVNS 2025. The men’s final was a tense affair as South Africa narrowly overcame Argentina 12-7. Impi Visser had already crossed for the Blitzboks when Shilton van Wyk, player of the final in 2022, went over in the fifth minute to take the score to 12-0. Teagan Levi touched down either side of halftime as Australia ended New Zealand’s 41-match winning streak to claim their fourth consecutive title in Dubai, as the HSBC SVNS 2024 got off to an electric start.
In a replay of last years final, Australia overcame their arch rivals to end New Zealand’s winning run on 41 matches, which spanned since their loss in the Dubai final last year. The Vodacom Bulls Invitation XV squad includes an exciting blend of experienced players and youthful talent to be blooded alongside the likes of Vodacom United Rugby Championship players Uys, Joe van Zyl, Jacques van Rooyen, Richard Kriel and Juan Mostert. Namibian rugby team head coach Phil Davies recently announced a 31-man Namibian squad which will compete at the Rugby World Cup in Japan. Kudus head coach Shaun White credited his players for the team’s improvement throughout the season and is looking forward to the clash. The Namibian team, led by Allister Coetzee, will leave for Kambala today, and enters the competition after having played two preparatory matches.
Both, the newly appointed Director and his Coach are facing an extravaganza experience as the school was invited to Japan for the Sanix World Rugby Youth Tournament for 2020. Currently, the league does not have representation from the Oshana, Ohangwena, Omaheke, Hardap, ||Karas, Zambezi, Kunene, and Kavango West regions. Tsumeb Netball Club (Oshikoto region) and Young Stars from Ruacana (Omusati region) have been relegated.
Windhoek Afrikaans Private School booked their place in the final of the Momentum Rugby Board’s Trophy League after beating Moria Private School by 40 points to 30 in the semi-final played at the Dr Hage Geingob stadium on Saturday. A record turn-out was recorded as players from different schools were battling it out in the under 14 , 15 and 19 leagues. Ultimately, all eyes were on the super league’s semi-final between Windhoek Afrikaans Private School and newcomers Moria Private School from Outjo.
“We are privileged to be part of this tour where our players will get an opportunity to test themselves against some of the best players in Namibia,” said Groepes. In the other semi-final, UNAM will look to continue their impressive season as they face a rejuvenated Grootfontein team, which secured a fourth-place position, three points ahead of defending champions United. White’s opponent on the sidelines, Dirk Human, will go into the match without star players lock Johan Meyer and flanker Peter Diergaardt. He pledged MTC’s continued support for the Netball Namibia Premier League, as long as there is commitment from the leadership and players. Namibia Sports Commission (NSC) chief administrator, Freddy Mwiya reaffirmed the commission’s support for netball, as long as the premier league continues to operate.
Van der Flier, who has Dutch grandparents, scored five tries in 11 Test appearances throughout the 12 months, whichincluded starting all three games in the victorious July tour over the All Blacks. The 29-year-old won the award ahead of Leinster and Ireland team-mate Johnny Sexton, victorious in 2018, South Africa centre Lukhanyo Am and last year’s winner, France scrum-half Antoine Dupont. The HSBC SVNS 2024 is set to supercharge the sport’s global appeal and is taking place across eight iconic destinations. The new look HSBC SVNS 2024 features seven regular season events – in Dubai, Cape Town, Perth, Vancouver, Los Angeles, Hong Kong and Singapore – before the Grand Final in Madrid. Fans are encouraged not to miss the two-day extravaganza with incredible food, fitness, non-stop music including live music acts from DJ Zinhle, Jack Parow, Sun El-Musician and more, alongside the world class rugby sevens action.
Despite going in as the underdogs, the boys from the North did not feel inferior against the much more experienced team from Windhoek Afrikaans Private School. The young and energetic players had nothing else but pride to play for, as they put up top skills in all areas of the game. With both teams pulling out all the stops, the field of play appeared levelled. Hosts WAP nonetheless recorded 23 points at half time , while the visiting side Moria was trailing behind with 13 points. The game changed in the second half as Moria maximised its offense and caught up with WAP’s score line, leaving them both on twenty-three points. Experience however persevered as WAP players penetrated Moria’s defence line and recorded another set of tries.
The team of 28 players was yesterday sent off to the tournament by the Namibia Sports Commission (NSC) in Windhoek. A new crop of youthful rugby players is set to compete in this weekend’s U/20 Barthes Trophy Cup tournament, slated for Harare, Zimbabwe. We encourage everybody in and around Windhoek to come and experience much more than rugby at the national stadium on Sunday,” said Oosthuizen. The match will be an opportunity for junior players Marco de Witt, Tielman Nieuwoudt, Neels Volschenk, Abulele Ndabambi, Eric Basson and Tiaan Fourie, among others, to gain some experience from their more established seniors. Both teams have been hard at work in training ahead of Saturday and are expecting tough matches.
Pakistan Test vice-captain is geared up to lead the Dolphins in the Champions One-Day Cup, which gets underway at the Iqbal Stadium in Faisalabad on Thursday, 12 September. The Pakistan Cricket Board today confirmed that the 17 September fixture of Bahria Town Champions One-Day Cup between Dolphins and UMT Markhors has been rescheduled to 18 September due to Rabi-ul-Awal public holiday. Muhammad Irfan Khan’s blistering century was the decisive factor as Nurpur Lions claimed a 35-run win over UMT Markhors in the eighth match of the Bahria Town Champions One-Day Cup.
He is a right-arm fast bowler known for his bowling action, which sweeps out the batsman like a wiper. He plays Test, ODI, T20I, IPL, and even ICC World Cup as a prominent player of the Indian cricket team. For your information, BCCI is the most expensive cricket board in the world, spending around $2.5 billion on its cricket team every year. Liam Livingstone was included in England’s squad to play as a lower middle-order batter and provide breakthroughs for the 2022 T20 World Cup champions with the ball but the right-armer failed to deliver.
Regarding previous performances in mega events, Babar said, “Our performances in the last two ICC Men’s T20 World Cups have been good. So, at the back of our minds, we are thinking about how we have played two finals and a semi-final and how we can overcome the mistakes that derailed our campaigns. That is, capable of quality play for decent periods – and getting the job done despite looking a little peculiar at times – but a bit too inconsistent overall to be considered an automatic selection.
Above all, Kirsten must resurrect the random genius in the cricket of Pakistan, that talent to produce something from nothing, to transform from a rabble to a juggernaut in a flicker of brilliance, the intoxicating magic that now seems crushed and a thing of memory. Azam’s selection is questionable; a wicket keeper struggling to move, a batsman out of his depth. Amir, the rising new star of the 2009 victory, is now an over-the-hill, morally-wounded paceman, earning his last international crumbs. The one hope is that Gary Kirsten, the new white-ball coach, will halt this relentless slide. A new leader can create the energy for an immediate reversal of fortunes — with the proviso that sometimes things get worse before they get better.
Cedevita Olimpija is a difficult opponent so we knew we had to be very energetic, maintain a very high intensity, which is difficult to do for 40 minutes. After scoring 20 points in the third quarter, Dubai Basketball rallied to hold off Cedevita Olimpija, with Prepelic and Williams adding to the team’s tally to secure the win — a result that sees Dubai BC shocking the league with an incredible start to the inaugural season. Dubai BC tipped off at the Arena Stozice and put on a solid team performance as they looked to build on their debut win against defending champions Crvena Zvezda last weekend. Cummins’ teammate Usman Khawaja, the only batter to score more than 1,000 test runs in 2023, won the men’s test cricketer of the year award. Cummins also snapped up 17 wickets in 13 one-day internationals that included 3-51 against South Africa in the semifinals of the World Cup and 2-34 against India in the final at Ahmedabad. With the addition of three Champions tournaments, the PCB will now organize a total of261 matches across eight men’s senior tournaments.
Martin Guptill said Pakistan Team consists of successful and experienced players. He said this is the best opportunity for Pakistan to perform in the ICCT20 World Cup. Exclusive interviews of former cricket players and cricket experts are being presented in the program. The wicket-keeper position, in particular, is one he has his eyes on, with the experienced Mohammad Rizwan and former captain Sarfaraz Ahmed leading the pack.
Therefore, this article focuses on the enigma that is the Pakistani team, reviewing their performance, and analyzing the root causes of their abysmal track record. Setting aside any lingering uncertainty, we gave our unconditional support to the team thinking that we would witness action-packed performances. But as history dictates, the mercurial nature of the Pakistani team left no stone unturned in battering the utopian ideal. In June, former South African cricketer AB de Villiers interviewed Azam for his YouTube channel before the T20 World Cup.
The National Men’s U19 three-day Championship and One-Day Cup are set to begin on Tuesday, 10 September. The ground has a rich history, and it’s expected to be packed with fans cheering for both the Dolphins and the Lions. The conditions at Faisalabad will likely suit fast bowlers, but spinners could also play a crucial role. The Engro Dolphins are led by Saud Shakeel, a talented cricketer who has shown great leadership skills. The Dolphins have a mix of experienced players like Sarfaraz Ahmed (Mentor) and emerging talent, making them a formidable opponent. Defending champions have one of the best fast bowling units, with Shaheen (Captain), Rauf and Zaman leading the pack, while their spin department looks too fragile, especially due to the absence of their spin wizard, Rashid Khan, due to an injury.
Shivam Dube was given a place in India’s squad for T20 World Cup after a great campaign in IPL 2024 but the all-rounder couldn’t replicate his heroics. The left-handed batter looked low in confidence throughout the tournament and failed to play any noteworthy innings for India. The expectations were much from Reeza Hendricks as South Africa went all the way to the final of the T20 World Cup but the right-handed batter couldn’t play any memorable winnings for the Proteas. In nine innings played, he only scored 113 runs at 14.12 average and 87.59 strike rate. As the tournament has concluded, it is time to look at 11 players who had a disappointing campaign. The T20 World Cup 2024 concluded at the Kensington Oval, Barbados, on Saturday with India lifting the title after beating South Africa in the final in one of the best matches of the tournament.
This was unrequited which later proved in with Saim’s wicket, but overall Rizwan did manage to take it through. The USA bested the Pakistani team despite being a well-seasoned force in the super overs. With a target of 18, the team fell short in chasing it, showcasing their below-the-par capability in each department. Azam Khan, Iftikhar Ahmed, and Usman Khan were unable to capitalize on loose deliveries and rotate the strike frequently. Evaluating the player lineup, in batting we had the duo of Babar Azam and Mohammad Rizwan (linchpins to opening partnerships) along with Saim Ayub, Fakhar Zaman, and “Ifti Chacha” aka Iftikhar Ahmed. Adding on, our pace attack was spearheaded by Shaheen Shah Afridi, Naseem Shah, Haris Rauf, Abbas Afridi, and Mohammad Amir (a wildcard entry).
His experience and leadership will be crucial in shaping the strategies of his team. The former spinner believes that although bearing the burden of defending champions is challenging, England boasts a strong squad capable of meeting the challenge. They failed to progress to the knockout stages and finished in seventh place with just six points from nine games. However, Swann remains optimistic about England’s chances of defending their title in the upcoming edition.
“We are committed to delivering a world-class event that will usher in a new generation of heroes, while providing fans with an unforgettable experience on every match day,” Furlong said. Babar said, “I understand the responsibilities of a captain as there are additional expectations. You have players and the management, and you have to maintain communication with them. You have to control your emotions and back your players because you have to get the best performance out of them. You always have to support them and give them the confidence that they are the best and can do better.
In fact, by sheer luck (popularly known as Qudrat ka Nizam) Pakistan recently also reached a World T20 final down under in Australia. Furthermore, the board had removed Riaz from the post of senior team manager as well along with team manager Rana Mansoor due to the lack of discipline during the last three tours of the men’s team. Citing personal reasons for stepping down, Yousuf expressed his gratitude for the opportunity to serve Pakistan cricket.
Subsequently, our spinners included Shadab Khan, Imad Wasim, and Abrar Ahmed. The International Cricket Council (ICC) has unveiled the team of the tournament for the Men’s T20 World Cup 2024. The teams placed third and fourth will compete in this knockout match, with the winner moving on to the next stage. One of the most innovative spinners in the history of cricket, Saqlain is credited with inventing the “doosra.” His deep understanding of spin bowling and his ability to outthink batsmen will be a huge asset to his team. A former captain of Pakistan, known for his calm demeanor and strategic mind.
Yousuf said in a statement on X, “I announce my resignation as a selector for the Pakistan cricket team for ‘personal reasons’. Serving this incredible team has been a profound privilege, and I am proud to have contributed to the growth and success of Pakistan Cricket.” Pakistan’s recent lackluster performances in all three formats of the game have invited scathing criticism from cricket experts and fans alike. Both have blamed a lack of quality pitches and infrastructure in the country for Pakistan’s hapless performances while many also point to frequent changes in the PCB’s management and a lack of unity in the team for Pakistan’s losses. Pakistan cricket team players and management thanked the High Commission and Pakistani diaspora in UK for expressing unprecedented support and the warm welcome. Chief Minister Balochistan, Sarfraz Ahmed Bugti, former Caretaker Prime Minister Anwaar-ul-Haq Kakar, UK’s High Commissioner to Pakistan Jane Marriott, Pakistani cricket legends and a large number of Pakistani diasporas in London also attended the reception. They have won five out of 14 matches played to a finish against Ireland and a below strength New Zealand team.
The consecutive champions of the last two PSL seasons, Lahore Qalandars, will face difficulty in maintaining previous years’ performance. To be fair, you might assume that adding licensed Indian Premier League teams, the Pakistan Super League competition, and a handful of new national teams would be a boon for Cricket 24 of, well, David Boon proportions. It makes for a slightly less ideal way to experience one of the crowning jewels on the cricketing calendar. “We want to show our faith and backing to the incumbents, but if there are prolonged performances that need improvement, we will look at things. This tournament has shown just how much talent there is in Pakistan cricket,” he said. “I was fortunate enough to be in Darwin with the Pakistan Shaheens, which was a great experience to get to know some of the guys playing underneath the test side.
They will then play group matches against Australia, Oman, and Namibia in Barbados and Antigua before the Super 8s and knockouts. He chose the West Indies ahead of the likes of Pakistan, South Africa, and New Zealand.”The top four teams I would go for are India and England, and then Australia, unfortunately, and then the West Indies,” Swann told ANI. Swann did not include Pakistan in his top four teams for the highly anticipated T20 global tournament, which is just over a week away from kicking off in the USA and the West Indies. Upon receiving the award, Wellalage expressed his joy, saying, “This recognition gives me further strength to continue doing the good work I do as a player and contribute to my team to reach excellence in the field. From an initial 20 teams, the competition has narrowed down to the final four, who will compete in the semi-final on 27 June in the West Indies.
He will put the final nail in the coffin, and we will bury Pakistan cricket at home, against Bangladesh next year. Yousaf was appointed as a member of the Pakistan team’s selection committee in March this year. Yousuf was the head coach of the Pakistan U19 side that finished third in the ICC U19 Men’s Cricket World Cup 2024 in South Africa, the official added. Yousuf was the head coach of the Pakistan U19 side that finished third in the ICC U19 Men’s Cricket World Cup 2024 in South Africa. Vancouver Knights on Friday announced replacements for Pakistan’s Babar Azam and Mohammad Rizwan for the Global T20 (GT20) Canada 2024 after they failed to secure NOCs from the PCB.
“Sarfraz has been a wonderful servant, but we know Safi’s not getting any younger. At some point, we’re going to need to start exploring and offering opportunities to other players,” he said. Gillespie underscored the importance of a “squad mentality” rather than over-relying on a few players.
Following the confirmation of the Pakistan Cricket Board’s decision, the team has brought in South Africa’s Reeza Hendricks to replace Babar and Rizwan has been replaced by Australian top-order batter Usman Khawaja. According to Geo Super, Yousuf officially announced his resignation in a post on X (previously known as Twitter), citing ‘personal reasons’ behind his stepping down’ decision. Sunday’s showdowns featured under-16 and youth matchups, with MOD UAE in second and Al-Ain Jiu-Jitsu Club in third.
Serving this incredible team has been a profound privilege, and I am proud to have contributed to the growth and success of Pakistan Cricket. In a statement, Yousaf said he was proud to play his part in growth of the national squad. He wished the team all the best, saying he had faith in the players’ talent. The four players are predominantly white-ball cricketers, while Iftikhar and Nawaz are centrally contracted players.
Fans welcomed the Indian hockey players with the tunes of dhols. But first, the good part is the triumph of India which hockey lovers perceive as one more confirmation of the rising stature once again of Indian hockey. A sport in which India had excelled for many years had virtually gone into virtual extinction before things began to look optimistic lately. Hockey was the sport that had provided all the delight for Indians during the Olympics, what with eight gold medals won over a period of time with 1980 in Moscow being the last occasion.
The team’s strong defence and precise passing were key factors in securing their victory and advancing to the next round of the tournament. With many awards finalists and proven playoff performers in the mix this spring, who comes out on top? We start with a player who scored more goals this season than anyone in the past 30 years.
Harmanpreet Singh’s wealth primarily stems from his international hockey career and his participation in the Hockey India League. In the 2015 league season, he was acquired by Dabang Mumbai for $51,000 (about Rs 42 lakh). Singh made a notable impact by scoring five goals and was honored with the 2015 Ponty Chadha Award for being the ‘most promising player’ of the tournament. Despite being 6 feet 4 inches (1 meters) tall, Mario Lemieux displayed great speedand agility.
Addressing the gathering Chief Minister Mann said that it is a historic occasion as these sons of soil who have brought laurels for the state and country are being honored. He said that these players have brought immense pride and satisfaction for the entire country by this momentous win. He said that he had personally watched every hockey match of the team and the spectacular performance by these players have made us all feel proud. Much of Harmanpreet Singh’s income is derived from his international career and participation in the Hockey India League.
At this Olympics, India has had six fourth-place finishes, in shooting, archery, weightlifting and badminton. India has a rich history when it comes to the Olympics and they will be aiming to go for gold this time in Paris. They have picked a strong squad for the event, which is a perfect blend of youth and experience. Veterans like PR Sreejesh and Manpreet Singh will be the wisemen for captain Harmanpreet Singh as he aims to lead India to glory in his first Olympics as the skipper.
Their 0-1 loss to Japan in the third-place playoff of the FIH Olympic qualifiers in January shut out all hope. They’ve since had a change of coach – Harendra Singh has replaced Janneke Schopman – and are now toiling away in the national camp. Additionally, PR Sreejesh is credited with an outstanding performance in goal, making crucial saves throughout the game to keep India in the lead. At the age of 36, PR Sreejesh retires from Indian hockey after a long and successful career representing India. After defeating New Zealand and Argentina, the Indian hockey team was paired against Ireland in the 2024 Paris Olympics. Though the second match was tied with Argentina, India managed to secure a victory over Ireland in their third match.
No wonder coach Fulton called this a “not just a statement, a real statement” after the match in the mixed zone. The South African, known for his defensive acumen, would never have thought it would be his potent weapon on Sunday, not even in his wildest dreams. “First we scored, we needed something to defend; something to play for and defend as long as we can,” said Fulton.
India has 5 Olympic debutants in the form of Jarmanpreet Singh, Sanjay, Raj Kumar Pal, Abhishek and Sukhjeet Singh in their ranks, which would provide the much-needed young blood in the team. After defeating New Zealand by 3-2, Argentina by 1-1, and Ireland by 2-0, India faced tough competition against the reigning Olympic champions, Belgium. Despite putting up a strong fight, India narrowly lost to Belgium by 1-2 in a thrilling match.
As he prepares to retire after the Paris Olympics, his legacy is a testament to his unwavering dedication and unrelenting passion for the game. Bobby Orr is widely regarded as the game’s best defenseman—evidenced by hisrecord-setting eight James Norris Memorial Trophy wins (1968–75). While withthe Boston Bruins, he became the first defenseman to lead the NHL in scoring(1970), and he was named the league’s MVP three times (1970–72). Johnny Gaudreau, known as “Johnny Hockey,” played 10 full seasons in the league and was set to enter his third with the Columbus Blue Jackets after signing a seven-year, $68.25 million deal in 2022.
The Indian team produced a spirited performance in the Tokyo Olympics as they defeated Germany in a 5-4 thriller to clinch the Bronze medal. This ended a 41-year drought for the Indian team in Olympics as they finally won a medal on the grand stage. However, in the Pool B match with Australia, the Indian team showed exceptional teamwork and determination, resulting in a well-deserved victory.
But then, it took more than four decades thereafter for Indian hockey to be seen again on the medals podium in the Olympics and that happened in the Tokyo edition. And the proof that it was not a flash in the pan, came in Paris with another bronze. Much has been said as a reason for this hurtle downwards, like the change to astroturf and the inability of our players to master the playing technique on artificial surfaces. Whatever they may have been, the hitherto known skills lost or not seen in the sport in the country came in for all-round anxiety.
Having driven it for the first time at the age of 10, under supervision, the future Indian team defender would struggle with the rusty gearstick. Appointed captain in 2016, Sreejesh led the side to silver medals at the FIH Men’s Hockey Champions Trophy in 2016 and 2018. Sreejesh’s journey to the top was not without its challenges.
This performance sealed his position as the team’s first choice. Since then, he established himself as one of the top goalkeepers in the world. Sreejesh, the central character of the shootout, played another stellar role. When you kill the time, the pressure goes to the opposition and they try something wrong. Simultaneously, you also need support from your players as well. That gives me confidence and takes away pressure from me.” Sreejesh was pointing towards a name etched on his hockey stick.
On the occasion, Captain of Indian Hockey squad Harmanpreet Singh said that it will further help in weaning away the youth of the state from the menace of drugs. Indian Hockey player Mandeep Singh promised the Chief Minister that next time the color of the medal will change in the Olympics. Singh also envisioned that next time the number of players in Olympics contingent from state will also enhance considerably. Mann disbursed Rs 1 crore each to eight Hockey Players and Rs 15 lakh each to 11 other participants of Olympic Games. “Johnny played the game with great joy which was felt by everyone that saw him on the ice.
Under the guidance of coach Craig Fulton, India created history by securing back-to-back bronze medals at the Olympics. Goals from Harmanpreet Singh (30′, 33′) were enough to seal the victory. Earlier on Saturday, the first set of the Indian men’s hockey team arrived at the New Delhi Airport. The rest of the players who stayed for the closing ceremony of the Summer Games 2024 arrived on Tuesday. PR Sreejesh, Abhishek Nain, Amit Rohidas, and Sanjay were among the players who touched down at the national capital today.
He attended the GV Raja Sports School in Thiruvananthapuram, where his coach suggested he take up goalkeeping. In an electrifying atmosphere, the Indian team triumphed despite being down 0-1 after the first quarter. Sreejesh, playing his last game for India, was filled with emotions as the rest of the team joined him on the ground to celebrate this momentous occasion in India’s hockey history.
Throughout his career, Sreejesh has been a vital cog in India’s hockey machinery. He won three Asian Games medals, including gold in Hangzhou 2022, which secured India’s spot in the Paris Olympics. His exceptional performance in the quarterfinal against Great Britain at the Paris Olympics, where he saved 13 out of 15 shots, earned him widespread acclaim. He has been named FIH’s best goalkeeper in 2021 and 2022, a testament to his consistent excellence. Under the leadership of Harmanpreet Singh, the Indian hockey team achieved a historic win at the 2024 Paris Olympics by defeating Australia 3-2 in their final Group B match. This victory is especially noteworthy as it marks India’s first Olympic win over Australia in hockey since 1972.
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After some time, I became well-media-trained and skilled in packaging long-form content in a way that was digestible and entertaining for the audience. I wanted to step beyond this realm and start telling my own stories, without any restriction or boundaries. But it is about sacrifice, living a frugal life so as to finance what might end up being Uganda’s first true film studio. It is not grand like the Hollywood studios, but that is the long-term goal.
As Vjing transitions from traditional video halls to multiple TV platforms, Ukasha sheds light on the origins of movie translations. “The practice of translating movies precedes the arrival of Western films in Africa,” he explains. On a recent episode of Home of Our Stars, Flavia Tumusiime delves into the world of Vjing with Kaija Ukasha, renowned as VJ Shaolin Khan Lee. Reflecting on his cinematic upbringing, Ukasha recalls how translated movies shaped his early film experiences.
After the onset of the pandemic, these figures dwindled significantly. Only 0.042 million Chinese tourists visited Japan in 2021 and 0.189 million in 2022. The fall in Chinese visitors was a part of the broader trend of declining international tourist visits to the country as Japan recorded 4.12 million visitors in 2020 and 0.25 million tourists in 2021.
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Descubra como desfrutar de alguma experiência única de jogo online. A plataforma é licenciada e regulamentada achacar governo de Curaçao, o que garante que ela opere de maneira justa e transparente. A Pin-Up também utiliza medidas de segurança de última geração para proteger since informações pessoais electronic financeiras de teus usuários. A trampolín tem uma ótima reputação entre os avid gamers, e muitos usuários relataram experiências positivas com a tablado.
Essa abordagem demonstra to compromisso do Flag Up Casino no ano de proporcionar uma experiência de jogo segura e equilibrada pra todos os seus usuários. Na lado inferior, há informações sobre a companhia, política de privacidade e licença, além de uma lista para fornecedores e métodos para retirada sobre depósitos. Adicionalmente, há suporte ao usuario e maneiras sobre entrar em contato com o operador. Sim, o cassino Pin Up é totalmente otimizado para jogos móveis, como também os jogadores podem acessar the plataforma em seus dispositivos móveis, incluindo smartphones e tablets. O Pin-Up gambling establishment oferece um software para download elizabeth também é acessível através do navegador móvel. Os compradores registrados podem ze conectar a alguma mesa de cassino ao vivo some sort of qualquer hora perform dia ou de uma noite e ayudar de jogos buscados, como roleta, black jack, bacará e bem mais pin up casino.
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Se desejado, é possível baixar o aplicativo afin de telefones celulares systems tablets com guias operacionais Android. Neste caso, o jogador usa as mesmas funcionalidades disponíveis not any portal. Novos jogadores contam com um super bônus de até 100% simply no” “valor do primeiro depósito, podendo começar através do dobro para envidar. Promoções exclusivas e sorteios também são parte da experiência Pin-Up Cassino. Ao contrário de várias outras plataformas, Pin Up oferece a seus usuários um procedimiento de transmissão ao vivo, graças ao qual você tem a possibilidade de assistir a partidas sem sair carry out site. Além disto, você também tem a possibilidade de fazer apostas no ano de tempo real, o que aumenta significativamente as chances de ganhar suas apostas.
O cassino é alimentado por alguns dos mais respeitados elizabeth inovadores fornecedores sobre jogos da indústria, incluindo Microgaming, Netentertainment, Evolution Gaming, 1x2Gaming, e iSoftBet. Estes desenvolvedores de software program têm anos para experiência na criação de jogos para cassino online únicos e divertidos. Enquanto eu gostava sobre jogar no Pin-Up Casino, o criterio de saque levou mais tempo perform que o esperado. Demorou vários dias para que meus fundos fossem transferidos para minha conta, o que foi frustrante. Eu recomendo o Pin-Up On line casino por sua óptima seleção de jogos e seu web site de fácil utilização.
O cassino Pin-up é um cassino online licenciado e regulamentado pela Autoridade de Jogos sobre Curaçao, o que significa que é legal para operating system jogadores brasileiros jogarem no cassino. Jogar com criptomoedas oferece aos clientes grande privacidade e segurança, uma vez os quais as transações são protegidas por criptografia de ponta a ponta. Após avivar o processo sobre registro, você poderá fazer um depósito e começar a new jogar no Pin-up Casino. Lembre-se para verificar se há bônus de boas-vindas ou outras promoções disponíveis para novos jogadores. É fundamental lembrar que você deve sempre usar uma senha specialty e única afin de sua conta de cassino, para asegurar a segurança para suas informações pessoais e financeiras. Se você tiver problemas para acessar sua conta ou recuperar sua senha, entre em contato com a equipe de suporte ao cliente carry out Pin Up On line casino para obter ajuda.
Portanto, sem dúvidas – to Pin-Up é alguma excelente escolha pra todo brasileiro o qual deseja encher the carteira com sonoros reais em uma aire de diversão arriscada. Isso pode mezclarse o envio sobre documentos como uma cópia do seu documento de identidade ou comprovante de endereço. Certifique-se sobre seguir todas because instruções e fornecer as informações necessárias para evitar atrasos no processamento de uma retirada. Dependendo do método de deposito escolhido, a velocidade do depósito tem a possibilidade de variar. Um utilizador autorizado não apresenta de se agobiar que alguns produtos novos ainda não tenham sido testados. A página carry out casino tem uma secção “Novo”, onde um par systems três de “bandidos” “do só braço” virtuais irão alegrar to seu tempo livre e surpreendê-lo com fichas de desenho ou com o número de linhas.
Preencha os pontos necessários e siga as instruções pra completar o criterio de registro. Com sua enorme base de fãs, um serviço de apostas em críquete se tornou uma parte significativa do game para diversas pessoas. O Pin-Up Casino oferece excelentes opções de apostas em crickinfo para novatos elizabeth apostadores experientes. O Pin Up regularmente realiza sorteios de prêmios materiais at the em dinheiro, atraindo com novas oportunidades para dobrar operating-system lucros. O principal é ficar concentrado às atualizações no site para estar continuamente informado. Sem the confirmação da conta, o jogador simplesmente obtém acesso à sua conta pessoal, onde no topo recebe informações em relação à o saldo da conta.
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Conhecido pela segurança, gama e bônus atraentes, já conquistou uma legião de usuários brasileiros. Inaugurado em 2016 com emplazamiento em Curaçao, um Cassino Pin-Up conquistou rapidamente o público brasileiro e latino com sua organizacion inovadora, divertida e segura. Seu transmisión está na licença internacional Antillephone And. V., que garante” “legalidade para jogos, apostas esportivas e até loterias online. Atualmente, não existe uma legislação clara relacionada cassinos online em nosso país. No entanto, operating-system jogadores brasileiros podem jogar em cassinos online que operam fora do país.
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A única coisa que você deve fazer, maraudage de tudo, é se familiarizar apresentando as regras perform escritório. Só então você poderá arriesgar confortavelmente e oír como tudo isto funciona. De acordo com as análises dos jogadores, temos a possibilidade de dizer que tudo funciona de manera constante e durante um longo beat.
Todas as opções apresentam conexão rápida, segurança e proteção, operação estável, sem bloqueios de jogos at the apostas. O Pin-Up oferece cerca sobre 20 formas de depósito, algumas dieses quais específicas do país onde internet explorer, como é o caso do Multibanco para Portugal systems do Boleto para o Brasil. Listamos abaixo, os cependant usados pelos jogadores e apostadores brasileiros. Todos os clientes querem um procedimento de registro tranquilo e rápido. A Pin-Up não desilude neste aspeto, oferecendo um registro descomplicado e intuitivo. Portanto, há uma pessoa em qualquer plataforma que monitora isto.
Tudo sobre Pin Up Bookmaker at the quais opções sobre apostas ela oferece? Para se deliberar no website oficial, você precisa especificar seu e-mail, criar alguma senha para ele, depois abrir o e-mail e clicar no link destacado. Desta forma, você confirmará seu silueta e poderá começar a jogar por dinheiro. Além deste método, você também pode entrar zero cassino através sobre uma das redes sociais.
O Pin-Up Casino tem alguma coisa para todos, a partir de jogos de tarjetas e de mesa como pôquer at the Blackjack até caça-níqueis de vídeo apresentando jogos de bônus. E quando é hora de sacar seus fundos, eles oferecem pagamentos seguros e rápidos apresentando notificações push para que você possa continuamente manter o vistoria de suas transações. O advento de um aplicativo móvel afin de Android adicionou a new possibilidade de jogar em qualquer local, sem ficar recluido a sua casa.
O Pin number Up Casino opera no Brasil há alguns anos, com uma boa basic de usuários no país. Mundialmente, a new marca existe a partir de 2016 e tem registro em Curaçao. Você pode adherirse as chances sobre ganhar apenas construindo uma estratégia distinct para os jogos.
O resultado final é os quais o bônus search engine optimization depósito” “é uma pequena quantia de dinheiro para jogar. Junto apresentando ele você recebe uma aposta, alguma espécie de multiplicador. Após a ativação, você precisa multiplicar a aposta achacar dinheiro que recebeu de graça. Como resultado, você saberá a quantia os quais terá que arriesgar para retirar seus ganhos e ganhar de volta to bônus. A versão móvel do Pinap está disponível diretamente no site formal.
Tive 1 problema com meu processo de retirada no Pin-Up Gambling establishment, e entrei em contato com some sort of equipe administrativa deles para obter ajuda. O representante apresentando quem falei foi educado e conhecedor, e eles resolveram meu problema de manera acelerada. E por último, quando for hora de sacar seus fundos, o Pin-Up Casino oferece pagamentos seguros e rápidos com notificações por e-mail para que você possa sempre acompanhar suas transações. Geralmente, não há cobrança de comissão por parte do cassino, mas no se de uso sobre recursos externos, tenha em mente o qual a transferência pode exigir um pagamento adicional.
Assim os quais você abre a página principal carry out Pin-Up, você tem a possibilidade de mergulhar imediatamente em uma atmosfera única o qual permitirá que você sinta o sabor da vitória que está por vir. Ao entrar na Plataforma Online perform Pin-up, seu design and style parecerá familiar e há uma explicação para isso. Os criadores foram inspirados por uma incremento da cultura americana, cuja essência é que os cartazes de publicidade para cassinos foram decorados com imagens de belezas” “seminuas. Sim, o Pin-up Casino oferece bônus e promoções pra jogadores novos elizabeth existentes. Para registrar uma conta no Pin Up Gambling establishment, acesse o site deles e clique no botão “Registrar”.
Uma grande vantagem é a ampla seleção de opções para retirada de fundos usando Visa, Master card, Skrill, Neteller electronic outros métodos populares. Os jogadores tem a possibilidade de obter bônus no cassino Pin Way up de várias maneiras. O cassino oferece promoções exclusivas afin de seus jogadores, incluindo ofertas de boas-vindas, bônus de depósito, rodadas grátis elizabeth promoções sazonais. Além disso, o cassino oferece um metodo de fidelidade la cual permite aos jogadores acumular pontos ao jogar e, no ano de seguida, trocá-los por bônus em dinheiro e outros prêmios.
Além disso, o casino também proporciona um aplicativo pra dispositivos Android, la cual pode baixar diretamente do site carry out Pin-up cassino. O aplicativo oferece acesso fácil aos jogos de cassino, promoções e outras funcionalidades. Slots são sinceramente os jogos mais populares não somente no Pin Upward Online Casino, contudo também em todo o mundo. Esses jogos atraem iniciantes e permitem os quais jogadores experientes se recordem dos velhos tempos. Estes são” “alguns dos primeiros games de casino que receberam um formato online.
Os games de loteria são uma ótima forma de se entreter at the potencialmente ganhar elevados prêmios. No Pin-Up Casino, você tem a possibilidade de encontrar vários games de loteria para escolher. Se você’estiver procurando por ganhos instantâneos ou piza mais sorteado, com certeza haverá piza que se encaixa em seu moda. A loteria varia de sorteios tradicionais como Powerball at the Mega Millions the raspadinhas com prêmios instantâneos. A direção do Pin Upwards Casino sabe os quais o principal segredo do sucesso no mundo dos jogos é estar en totalidad focado no game.
Para entrar em contato com o suporte técnico do clube e obter conselhos sobre o site, escreva para to cassino online achacar correio, ou flirt para a linha direta. O serviço de help table é para coger em contato pra registro e deposito de prêmios, entradas e saídas no ano de dinheiro, ou no momento em que não for possível registrar uma conta pessoal de programa independente. O site de suporte técnico funciona ininterruptamente com todas as perguntas dos jogadores, twenty four horas por dia. Existem muito poucos usuários dispostos a new investir imediatamente recurso financeiro real no jogo, porque isso é um risco. Na realidade, esses jogadores de risco são poucos, pois realizar apostas em cassinos sem entender while regras e muchas as nuances – é um marcia arriscado.
Você pode baixá-la da página principal e depois adquirir um aplicativo o qual você pode jogar a partir do Android, iPhones elizabeth até mesmo Computers. O aplicativo apresenta um design único, funciona rapidamente electronic permite que você ultrapasse todos os bloqueios. O bônus e a conta real no cassino é separada, to jogador joga primeiro com seu próprio dinheiro, em problema de falha, ele pode usar the conta de bônus. Se o bônus for reproduzido possuindo sucesso, o dinheiro aparecerá na conta real. Isto é importante, já o qual muitos cassinos estão “soldando” combinando to bônus e uma conta real elizabeth, portanto, não proporcionam a retirada dos ganhos até la cual a aposta venha a ser jogada.
O Pin-Up Casino é um lugar perfeito em virtude de experimentar todas since Megaways Quest carry out Gonzo. Com suporte ao cliente 24/7 e um modos de demonstração disponível para clientes que desejam experimentar u jogo antes sobre depositar fundos, esta é uma delicia que você não quer perder. O PinUp se preocupou em proporcionar condições convenientes para depósito e retirada sobre fundos. Para isso, podem ser utilizados cartões bancários, dinheiro em espécie, carteiras eletrônicas, contas de operadoras móveis e até criptomoedas. Na primeira vez, você insere seu número de telefone e confirma-o, selecione sua moeda preferida e depois siga para o site oficial. O site se destaca por sua user interface simples, permitindo os quais os jogadores encontrem as informações systems jogos necessários na minutos.
Muitos jogadores experientes consideram as odds desta casa sobre apostas as grandes do mercado do brasil de apostas. Portanto, se você convencer diversificar sua experiência de jogo, tente o bônus esportivo do PinUpCasino. Leve o prazer perform Pin-Up” “gambling establishment Brasil para no qual quiser com o aplicativo especial para Android at the iOS. Certifique-se de ter espaço suficiente no telefone para a instalação. Residentes para muitos países podem jogar no Pin-Up, incluindo Brasil, Índia, Canadá, Austrália e muitos outros países. No entanto, há alguns países em que o jogo on the web é proibido assim como os residentes desses países podem não conseguir acessar a plataforma.
Добро пожаловать в мир, где стратегия и удача встречаются на каждом шагу. Здесь каждый игрок может почувствовать себя настоящим мастером, ведущим свои партии в атмосфере полного уважения и безопасности. Наш раздел посвящен платформе, которая объединяет любителей интеллектуальных игр и азартных приключений, предлагая уникальные возможности для развлечения и заработка.
Покердом официальный сайт – это не просто место для игры, а сообщество, где каждый найдет что-то для себя. Будь то стремление к новым высотам в мире покера или желание испытать удачу в других азартных развлечениях, здесь всегда найдется занятие по душе. Особенностью этой платформы является ее доступность и надежность, что делает ее предпочтительным выбором для многих игроков.
Для тех, кто ценит стабильность и безопасность, покердом зеркало предоставляет альтернативный вход в систему, обеспечивая непрерывное участие в играх и турнирах. Это решение гарантирует, что ни одно из важных игровых событий не будет пропущено, а ваш игровой опыт всегда будет доступен, независимо от внешних обстоятельств.
Независимо от того, являетесь ли вы опытным игроком или новичком, покердом вход всегда открыт для вас. Начните свое приключение сегодня, и почувствуйте всю радость и волнение, которые приносит мир азартных игр. Присоединяйтесь к покер дом, где каждый ход может изменить вашу жизнь!
В данном разделе мы подробно рассмотрим один из ведущих игровых порталов, предлагающий широкий спектр развлекательных опций и игровых возможностей. Наш обзор включает анализ основных функций, доступных пользователям, а также оценку удобства и безопасности использования данного сервиса.
На официальном сайте и зеркальных копиях, вы можете встретить широкий выбор игровых автоматов, начиная от классических вариантов с тремя барабанами и заканчивая сложными моделями с множеством линий выплат и бонусных функций. Каждый автомат предлагает уникальный игровой опыт, благодаря различным темам, символам и специальным возможностям.
Особенности игровых автоматов включают в себя различные бонусные раунды, бесплатные вращения и множители выигрышей. Бесплатные вращения позволяют игрокам увеличить свои шансы на крупный выигрыш без дополнительных вложений. Множители выигрышей могут значительно увеличить сумму выигрыша, делая игру еще более захватывающей и прибыльной.
Для доступа к этим захватывающим играм, посетите официальный сайт или воспользуйтесь зеркальными копиями, чтобы обеспечить себе непрерывный и безопасный доступ к игровым автоматам. Вход в игровую зону предоставляет возможность испытать удачу и получить незабываемый игровой опыт.
Новые игроки могут рассчитывать на щедрые приветственные бонусы, которые включают бесплатные средства для игры и дополнительные возможности для увеличения своих выигрышей. Вот несколько видов бонусов, доступных новым пользователям:
Для постоянных посетителей сайта регулярно проводятся акции и конкурсы, предоставляющие шанс выиграть ценные призы и бонусы. Вот некоторые из них:
Для получения более подробной информации о каждом предложении, рекомендуется посетить официальный сайт, где все условия и правила изложены в полном объеме. Не забывайте проверять наличие зеркальных сайтов для обеспечения бесперебойной доступности всех сервисов.
Защита данных | Использование современных протоколов шифрования гарантирует, что все личные данные пользователей остаются в безопасности. | Доступность | Наличие зеркальных сайтов и альтернативных входов обеспечивает непрерывный доступ к игровым сервисам, даже при временных сбоях основного сайта. | Прозрачность операций | Все финансовые операции проводятся через проверенные платежные системы, что гарантирует прозрачность и безопасность транзакций. | Техническая поддержка | Круглосуточная техническая поддержка готова помочь пользователям решить любые возникающие проблемы, обеспечивая бесперебойное пользование сервисом. |
В данном разделе мы рассмотрим уникальные аспекты, которые делают этот игровой портал привлекательным для множества пользователей. Мы подробно остановимся на функциональности и доступности, а также на том, как обеспечивается безопасность игроков.
Доступ к сайту | Игроки могут легко получить доступ через официальный сайт или используя зеркало, что обеспечивает непрерывность игры даже при технических сбоях. | Безопасность | Применение современных технологий защиты данных гарантирует, что все транзакции и личная информация пользователей надежно защищены. | Многообразие игр | Портал предлагает широкий выбор игровых опций, что позволяет каждому найти что-то по своему вкусу и уровню мастерства. | Бонусы и акции | Регулярное предоставление различных бонусов и акций стимулирует игроков к участию и повышает интерес к игре. |
В целом, этот игровой портал отличается не только богатым функционалом и высоким уровнем безопасности, но и заботой о комфорте и удовольствии своих пользователей. Это делает его одним из лидеров в своей нише.
На сайте Pokerdom представлены различные типы турниров, от быстрых спринтов до масштабных многодневных событий. Каждый тип рассчитан на определенную аудиторию игроков, предлагая уникальные стратегии и тактики.
Для удобства участников, Pokerdom предоставляет подробное расписание всех предстоящих турниров. В этом разделе также можно найти информацию о вступительных взносах, призовых фондах и специальных условиях, которые могут повлиять на выбор игрока.
Спринт | 14:00 | 500 руб. | 10,000 руб. | Главное событие | 18:00 | 5,000 руб. | 100,000 руб. | Ночной марафон | 22:00 | 1,000 руб. | 50,000 руб. |
На официальном сайте pokerdom доступен широкий выбор игровых форматов, которые удовлетворят интересы как новичков, так и опытных игроков. Независимо от вашего уровня мастерства, здесь вы найдете подходящую для себя игру.
Текстильный покер – это классика, которая привлекает игроков своей простотой и динамикой. Игра проходит в формате, где каждый участник получает определенное количество карт, и цель – собрать лучшую комбинацию.
Студенческий покер предлагает более сложные стратегии и требует от игроков глубокого анализа ситуации. Этот формат идеально подходит для тех, кто любит думать и планировать свои действия заранее.
Для тех, кто предпочитает быстрые и динамичные игры, доступен экспресс-покер. Здесь каждая раздача проходит в ускоренном темпе, что требует от игроков быстрых решений и интуиции.
Не забывайте, что для доступа к этим играм вы можете использовать как покердом вход, так и покердом зеркало, что обеспечит вам стабильный доступ к pokerdom независимо от вашего местоположения.
На официальном сайте предоставлен широкий спектр программных решений, разработанных для удобства и безопасности пользователей. Это включает в себя как клиентские приложения для различных устройств, так и веб-интерфейс, доступный через браузер. Все программные продукты регулярно обновляются, чтобы обеспечить соответствие последним стандартам и требованиям.
Команда поддержки работает круглосуточно, чтобы помочь пользователям решить любые возникающие вопросы. Вы можете связаться с ними через несколько каналов, включая онлайн-чат, электронную почту и форум. Также доступна обширная база знаний, где можно найти ответы на часто задаваемые вопросы.
Онлайн-чат | Мгновенная помощь в реальном времени | Электронная почта | Подробные ответы на ваши вопросы | Форум | Общение с другими пользователями и экспертами |