Uno de los grandes atractivos del duelo entre argentinos y franceses será el choque de dos de las grandes estrellas del rugby sevens actual. La fase de grupos del torneo masculino comenzará el 24 de julio, con Australia y Samoa inaugurando el torneo. El anfitrión, Francia, actual campeón de la Gran Final del SVNS, saltará a la cancha frente a Estados Unidos, seguido por el dos veces campeón olímpico Fiji, que se enfrentará al debutante Uruguay. Mientras tanto, Argentina, bronce en Tokio 2020, comienza su camino ante Kenia. El rugby volvió a ser olímpico a partir de Río 2016, en la modalidad de sevens, tras sus primeras incursiones en París 1900, Londres 1908, Amberes 1920 y París 1924 sólo en la categoría masculina y en rugby a XV.
Además obtuvo grandes números en 2023 siendo el tercer mayor número de defensores superados (71), así como en la novena posición en contraataques limpios (15) y offloads (19). Este fin de semana vuelve el Super Rugby Pacific, el cual se abrirá con el duelo entre Chiefs y Crusaders. Pero hubo diversas modificaciones en los planteles de cara a la nueva temporada, por lo que en Scrum repasamos las figuras a seguir durante el certamen. Encontrá resultados de fútbol en vivo, los próximos partidos, las tablas de posiciones, y todas las estadísticas de los principales torneos del mundo. Los mejores eventos del mundo del rugby se disfrutan en vivo a través de Disney+.
El deporte del rugby remonta sus orígenes a la época medieval en varios países europeos, pero fue entre 1845 y 1848 cuando los alumnos de una escuela de la ciudad inglesa de rugby y de la Universidad de Cambridge establecieron los códigos del rugby moderno. En 1871 se formó la primera federación nacional; dos años más tarde, la disciplina de rugby a siete fue concebida por dos carniceros, Ned Haig y David Sanderson, como un evento para recaudar fondos en Melrose, Escocia. En 1886, se creó el Internacional Rugby Board (actualmente conocido como World Rugby). Uno de los grandes alas, Campese era famoso por su “goose step” y su habilidad para crear y anotar tries. Su récord de 64 tries en tests fue durante mucho tiempo un récord mundial. Considerado por muchos el mejor medio scrum de todos los tiempos, Edwards era conocido por su habilidad atlética, su visión de juego y su capacidad para marcar tries memorables.
Son verdaderos iconos del deporte y su legado continúa influyendo en las generaciones actuales y futuras de jugadores de rugby. Estos jugadores de rugby, entre otros, están marcando la pauta en el rugby moderno. Con habilidades que abarcan desde la velocidad explosiva hasta la inteligencia táctica, pasando por el liderazgo inspirador, representan lo mejor del rugby actual. Son atletas que no solo dominan en el campo, sino que también inspiran a futuras generaciones a alcanzar la grandeza en este emocionante deporte. Uno de los nombres que constantemente surge en las discusiones sobre el mejor jugador de rugby del mundo es el de Beauden Barrett, el as de Nueva Zelanda.
Matías Moroni, jugador regular de Los Pumas que disputó tres Mundiales, confirmó que volverá a jugar en Club Universitario de Buenos Aires (CUBA), después de más de diez años, por lo que resta de la temporada del URBA Top 12. El tercera línea de 30 años, figura de los All Blacks y Hurricanes, obtuvo el premio y el reconocimiento al jugador del año 2023. Ardie Savea se desempeña como ala u octavo tanto en su selección nacional como en su club.
Pero sobre el final del primer tiempo comenzó una remontada que lentamente se fue transformando en una goleada que quedó entre los grandes hitos históricos del rugby argentino. Fueron nueve los tries, una marca que parece irrepetible, conquistados por Mateo Carreras, Julián Montoya, Juan Martín González, Pablo Matera, Joaquín Oviedo, Juan Cruz Mallía por duplicado, Joaquín Oviedo y Lucio Cinti. Apodado “Nobody” (porque “Nobody’s perfect”), Eales es uno de los pocos jugadores de rugby que han ganado múltiples Copas Mundiales. En el hemisferio sur, no podemos dejar de mencionar a Siya Kolisi de Sudáfrica, el capitán que llevó a los Springboks a la victoria en la Copa Mundial de Rugby 2019. Su historia de superación personal y liderazgo en el campo lo convierten en una figura emblemática no solo en Sudáfrica, sino en todo el mundo del rugby.
Su éxito en el campo se ha traducido en contratos lucrativos fuera de él, lo que demuestra que el talento y la habilidad en el rugby pueden ser tan rentables como en cualquier otro deporte de alto nivel. En resumen, Jonah Lomu es considerado por muchos el mejor jugador de rugby de la historia no solo por sus habilidades físicas y su rendimiento en el campo, sino también por cómo cambió el juego y por el legado duradero que dejó en el deporte. Su historia es una de grandeza, valentía y resiliencia, y continúa inspirando a jugadores y aficionados alrededor del mundo. Cada uno de estos jugadores de rugby ha dejado una marca indeleble en el rugby, no solo por sus habilidades individuales, sino también por su capacidad para inspirar a sus equipos y a sus seguidores.
Podría escribir una historia similar a la que escribió Neymar en el fútbol entre el Mundial 2014 y los Juegos Olímpicos de Río 2016, encontrando en casa el desquite de la decepción mundialista. Y precísamente, en ese Grupo C estaba la selección anfitriona, Francia. Los galos, que en el primer día derrotaron a Uruguay y empataron ante Estados Unidos, cayeron por ante Fiyi y también acabaron en el segundo puesto de su grupo. El jugador salteño, Leonardo Gea Salim, tomó una decisión importante en su carrera deportiva como lo fue mudarse de su ciudad nativa para continuar jugar en Jockey de…
El tercer y último día será escenario de las semifinales y las finales, donde se definirán los medallistas. El rugby sevens masculino se desarrollará del 24 de julio al 27 de julio. Elegido como mejor jugador del mundo en rugby 7s en 2021, ese año Moneta fue clave para lograr la medalla de bronce en los Juegos Olímpicos de Tokio 2020 con Los Pumas de Argentina.
En el primer puesto quedó el centro de Fiji Semi Radradra y en la definición aclara que “ya sea para los Bristol Bears o Fiji, tiene la capacidad de causar estragos en las defensas. Puede ir por la ruta directa, abriéndose paso en el centro, o puede tomar la ruta alternativa, fijando las marcas antes de dar el pase decisivo o descargar. Encuentre noticias sobre su comunidad, entretenimiento, eventos locales y todo lo que desea saber del mundo del deporte y de sus equipos preferidos. Capitán de Inglaterra en su triunfo en la Copa Mundial de Rugby 2003, Johnson era un líder indiscutible en el campo. Su presencia física y su entendimiento táctico lo convirtieron en uno de los mejores segundas líneas de todos los tiempos. Argentina y Francia se enfrentaron por primera vez en el formato sevens en 1997, durante un clasificatorio para el Mundial de ese mismo año.
Los cuartos de final del rugby sevens de los Juegos Olímpicos de París 2024 tendrán una final anticipada. Alessandro Izekor, ala, ItaliaSeleccionado como alguien a seguir por el gran italiano Sergio Parisse, el destapado Izekor es un coloso de la tercera línea azzurra con características más que importantes en su posición. El joven de 23 años buscará transferir su impresionante forma para Benetton al Test Arena. El astro del ruby 7s argentino dio un paso más en su carrera al consagrase como mejor jugador del mundo en 2021.
Les dejo esta ofrenda con cosas de Argentina, algo blanco, algo azul (se ríen), y cosas de nuestra tierra que queremos compartir con ustedes. Muchas gracias”, se lo escucha a Montoya, antes de que todos aplaudan y el capitán de Los Pumas se abrace con Etzebeth. El neozelandés pasó de Hurricanes a Moana Pasifika en busca de aportarle al quipo mayor experiencia y llega al 2024 siendo uno de los mayores anotadores de tries con 60 junto al ex Wallabies y Waratahs, Israel Folau.
Damian Penaud, wing, FranciaA veces errático pero auténtico y brillante cada vez que la pelota le llega a sus manos, Penaud es uno de los mejores wingers de todos los tiempos y está a sólo tres tries de igualar el récord nacional de 38 que ostenta Serge Blanco. Todos los partidos de rugby 7s en París 2024 tendrán lugar en el Stade de France. Ya recuperado, Moneta empezó a reconstruirse en París 2024 como la figura del equipo.
Desde entonces, se batieron a duelo en 86 oportunidades en este formato, con 50 victorias para Los Pumas, 34 para Francia y dos empates. Argentina había llegado a ese certamen en su condición de líder de la clasificación general. Sin embargo, en esa final el triunfo fue para los franceses, que aprovecharon el hombre de más por la expulsión de Rodrigo Isgró y se consagraron campeones gracias a una victoria por 19-5.
En el mundo del rugby, al igual que en muchos otros deportes, los jugadores excepcionales son recompensados no solo con reconocimiento y respeto, sino también con contratos lucrativos. A lo largo de los años, hemos visto cómo algunos jugadores de rugby han establecido nuevos estándares en términos de compensación financiera, reflejando tanto su habilidad en el campo como su capacidad para atraer a aficionados y patrocinadores. Aquí, echaremos un vistazo a algunos de los jugadores de rugby mejor pagados en la historia.
A pesar de estar lesionado durante gran parte del año, Moneta se las ingenió para anotar 29 tries en la temporada. El hombre surgido de San Andrés es una de los grandes valores del equipo argentino a seguir en estos juegos, a los que llegará luego de haber superado una fractura de peroné. Cabe destacar que en 2021, luego de Bronce en Tokio, el argentino fue elegido como el mejor jugador del mundo. Además, el imponente delantero se convirtió el sábado en el rugbier con más partidos internacionales de Sudáfrica, al hacer su aparición número 128, superando a su compañero Victor Matfield, quien se retiró en 2015.
El torneo masculino comienza el 24 de julio, dos días antes de la ceremonia oficial de inauguración, y concluye con el partido por la medalla de oro el 27. Otro jugador que merece mención en esta categoría es Maro Itoje de Inglaterra. Itoje, famoso por su presencia física y su astucia táctica, ha sido un pilar en el equipo inglés, aportando no solo en términos de habilidades de juego, sino también en liderazgo y carácter. El argentino retornó a Los Pumas al inicio de este certamen de París 2024 después de haberse sometido a una cirugía por una fractura de peroné. Con el correr de los partidos, empezó a demostrar la importancia que tiene en la dinámica del juego del conjunto conducido por Santiago Gómez Cora.
Fue una recompensa justa para una nación donde este deporte es parte de su sociedad. Un tercer título olímpico consecutivo parece remoto, ya que Fiyi no pudo ganar la gira de la Serie Mundial de esta temporada. —La primera medalla de oro olímpica de Fiyi fue obtenida por el equipo masculino de Rugby Sevens en Río en 2016, cuando el deporte hizo su debut en los Juegos. Capitán de los All Blacks durante uno de sus períodos más exitosos, McCaw es uno de los jugadores de rugby más laureados en la historia del rugby. Con un récord de tres veces Jugador del Año de World Rugby, es conocido por su liderazgo, resistencia y habilidades en el ruck.
Conocido por su excepcional velocidad, agilidad y visión de juego, Barrett ha sido un elemento clave en los éxitos recientes de los All Blacks. Sus habilidades no se limitan a su impresionante carrera; también es un magnífico pasador y un fiable pateador, lo que lo convierte en un jugador completo y versátil. Otro de los jugadores es Brad Shields, quien jugó en 2018 con la camiseta de Hurricanes (en donde disputó más de 100 partidos y fue capitán), vuelve al certamen con los de Wellington y tendrá la responsabilidad adicional de la capitanía.
Posiblemente el mejor apertura en la historia del rugby, Carter era conocido por su increíble habilidad para marcar desde cualquier parte del campo, su visión de juego y su calma bajo presión. Antoine Dupont de Francia es otro jugador que ha llamado la atención en los últimos tiempos. Conocido por su creatividad, destreza y capacidad para leer el juego, Dupont ha sido fundamental en la revitalización del equipo francés, llevándolo a nuevos niveles de competencia y éxito. El deporte del rugby, conocido por su intensidad, estrategia y camaradería, ha cautivado a millones de aficionados en todo el mundo.
Luego, formó como apertura y cometió un pass-forward que le entregó la última acción del partido a Estados Unidos, y el conjunto norteamericano logró descontar. La revancha llegó el 7 de septiembre, cuando Los Pumas logaron un resultado histórico, 67-27, que marcó la máxima diferencia a favor frente a un rival del Tier 1. Aunque la diferencia fue de 40 puntos, el trámite comenzó en favor de los australianos, con un score de 20-3 en los primeros 30 minutos.
Etzebeth atrajo la atención por primera vez cuando actuó para la Universidad de Ciudad del Cabo en una final televisada de la Copa Universitaria en 2011. Apenas un año después, con 20 años, debutó con Sudáfrica contra Inglaterra en junio de 2012. Su padre, Harry, era luchador y su tío, Cliffie, era un luchador de los Springboks y un reconocido pilar “duro” de Western Province en los años 1970 y principios de los 1980. Además, la fecha se completará con Regatas vs Buenos Aires y CUBA vs Atlético del Rosario, con el esperado regreso de Matías Moroni en el equipo de Villa de Mayo. Por otro lado, Levi Aumua viene de tener una gran performance en Moana Pasifika en las dos entregas anteriores del Super Rugby Pacific.
Navarro won just one Slam match, but she finished the year on the brink of the top 30 thanks to steadily awesome performances at minor events. She reached seven ITF finals (with five titles) and won 64 of a grueling 88 matches. She also beat two top-15 players, Maria Sakkari and Keys, in September. Her serve needs work, but Pegula might be the only American with a better return game. We’re serving up the ultimate ranking of the best tennis players of 2024, a list created for fans, by fans. Our criteria for ranking these athletes takes into account this year’s performance on the court, current ATP rankings, consistency, sportsmanship, and popularity among fans globally.
Protected rankings cannot be used for seeding purposes or Lucky Loser consideration, nor can they be used for a top eight player to qualify for the Nitto ATP Finals. Rankings work on a rolling 52-week period and take into account a player’s best results in 19 tournaments for the ATP and 16 for the WTA. The ATP Rankings are not to be confused with the ATP Live Rankings. For example, a player can be first in the Live Race but lower in the ATP Rankings because he has enjoyed more success in the current season.
Carlos Alcaraz is leading the charge of the younger generation of professional tennis players. At just 20 years old, the Spaniard has already racked up 12 career titles including two Grand Slams. With lightning-fast court speed, pinpoint accuracy from the baseline and a devious drop shot, Alcaraz has few, if any, weaknesses in his game as one of the most exciting players around.
Taylor Fritz basically ended the year where he started from a rankings standpoint and couldn’t turn a top-10 ranking into sustained threats in Grand Slams. Frances Tiafoe dipped his toe into the ATP top 10 but suffered a major funk at the end of the year. Sebastian Korda seemed primed for a breakthrough but missed months with an injury. Jenson Brooksby was suspended for 18 months for missed drug tests. Monastir champion Sonay Kartal and Guadalajara finalist Olivia Gadecki have become the 15th and 16th players to break the Top 100 for the first time in 2024. The 24-time Grand Slam champion only has one Olympic medal, claiming bronze at the 2008 Beijing Games.
Below are links to the latest ATP and WTA rankings for singles and doubles. You can see the full ATP Rankings below; you can also search for your favourite player to see their current ranking. The best part of the game is probably how fast it is and watching it live, you can appreciate how good they are. You can follow it on television, but when you’re sitting courtside and trying to follow the ball it’s impossible.
There’s still room for improvement and plenty of time left to improve. A male professional tennis player’s ranking is based on their performance at ATP-sanctioned tournaments over the proceeding 52-week period. The protected ranking gives a player a spot in the rankings determined by the player’s average ATP Rankings position during the first three months of his injury. I’ll have a hit every now and then, but I still need to improve a lot. I’m fast around the court, but I don’t have the agility that the top tennis players have.
We talk a lot about ceilings in a piece like this, and for a while it felt as if Gauff had found hers. She spent most of a year ranked either seventh or eighth in the world, and from August 2021 through May 2023, she went just 3-15 against top-10 opponents. She was nearly upset-proof, but she was struggling to break through to a top-five level.
“It’s a weird thing, but I think tennis is different than other sports because of it,” Alcaraz said of their shared commute. Speaking during his post-match press conference in China, Alcaraz expanded on his bubbling rivalry with the Italian, telling reporters the two “aren’t close friends.” “It keeps happening every single time they play. They come up with suspense, they come up with entertainment.” “They are following in the footsteps of the ‘Big Three’ in terms of level,” Wilander told EuroSport. When 52 weeks have passed since the points were acquired, they are dropped, and new points are added. If you match your performance from 52 weeks ago, you have a net gain/loss of zero points.
You’ll gain points if you better your performance, but if you perform worse, you’ll lose points.
The 29-year-old American is now the fifth-ranked player in the world, holding four WTA singles titles and seven doubles titles. Ben Shelton is a rising star who brings power, agility, and fearlessness to the game. Shelton’s elite serve speeds—which have hit as high as 149 mph during tournament play—draw gasps from the audience and racket claps from opponents. The left-handed 21-year-old made waves during the 2023 US Open where he upset the 10th and 14th-seeded players, ultimately losing to Novak Djokovic in the semi-finals.
She beat past French Open champion Jelena Ostapenko at Roland Garros and took Wimbledon champ Marketa Vondrousova to three sets at the US Open. Her serve might limit her ceiling, but her return game and groundstrokes are excellent. The list wouldn’t be complete without the mention of the tennis maestro Carlos Alcaraz, the ever-dominant Novak Djokovic, and the energetic Jannik Sinner. Alcaraz, the young prodigy, has fascinated fans with his relentless passion and speed on the court. Djokovic, a familiar name to tennis enthusiasts, continues his legacy as one of the greatest with his superior strategy and unmatched consistency.
Both players and their teams boarded the same private plane from Beijing to Shanghai, to prepare for the Masters 1000 event. “When Jannik and I face each other, playing against each other, I think it’s a really good thing for tennis because we always show a really intense match, really close match, great points, great rallies. “I hope Roger, Novak, and Rafa are not listening, but in terms of level, when Sinner and Alcaraz are at their best, there is no way anyone has ever played better tennis. The 21-year-old from Spain has already won four Grand Slams and is coming off back-to-back major titles with triumphs at the French Open and Wimbledon.
At this point, she’s taken home two WTA titles and currently ranking 18th in the world. The 22-year-old from San Candido, Italy started the year ranked 15th in the world before jumping to fourth as of the end of October. Sinner defeated world number one Carlos Alcaraz in the semi-finals at the 2023 Miami Open, and has attributed his recent success to his improved mental, physical conditioning, and change in coaching staff.
That’s something I’d like to take from them, as well as being able to perform under all the pressure and circumstances they face on any given day. I think I was more nervous to have a run with him than I would be in an Olympic final. It was cool getting to walk onto Rod Laver Arena and be part of a different sport. It was also interesting to see an athlete like Novak be able to run, to be able to stretch and play basketball. “Carlos Alcaraz and Jannik Sinner put on such a great, entertaining show. To me, it’s up there with the absolute best sporting events ever. She reached the third round in her first Olympics and is coming off a second-round defeat to eventual champion Iga Swiatek at Wimbledon.
Suppose a player is physically injured and does not compete in any tennis event for twelve months or longer. This excludes wild cards and entries as a Direct Acceptance, should the true ranking allow this. The “open” in the US Open means the tournament is open for anyone to compete. 16 spots of the 128-person field are reserved for professionals or amateurs who win three matches in the qualifying tournament. No qualifier entry has ever gone on to win the US Open until 2021 when 18-year-old Emma Raducanu did just that, claiming the Grand Slam title in dominating fashion without dropping a set the entire tournament. Since then, Radacanu has fallen out of the top 200, but she’s planning her return next year.
I had the chance to try and return one of Novak’s serves and that was impossible. Alcaraz improved to 6-4 in his career against Sinner after their 10th meeting in what has become tennis’ top rivalry following the 60 matches between Nadal and Djokovic. In 2020, Kenin won the Australian Open and finished the year fourth in the world; she finished 2022 at 228th. She lost four of five to end the year, but she’s nearly back in the top 30 and, at 25, still has time to carve out another peak.
The site primarily focuses on the men’s game but also covers the financials of the sports, equipment reviews, strings, and every tournament at Grand Slam, 1000, and 500 level. Since then it’s gone on to be one of the largest independently owned website for tennis news and a platform for fans to share their views on the game. He created history at Tokyo 2020, becoming the first Australian in 53 years to qualify for an Olympic men’s 800-metre final. He finished fourth, missing out on a medal by 0.53 seconds.
Success on the challenger and futures circuits bumped him into the top 100 and earned him a spot in the year-end NextGen finals. He’s very much a work in progress, but he’s a name to watch. The story of the summer, Eubanks reached the quarterfinals in Miami, then produced a 14-4 record on grass, winning in Mallorca and beating Stefanos Tsitsipas on the way to the Wimbledon quarterfinals. Paul made the most of a favorable Australian Open draw to charge to the semis, then pulled off his best win of the season — a three-setter over Carlos Alcaraz — to reach the semifinals in Toronto. He might have the best return game of any American, but at 6-foot-1 his service game isn’t nearly as big.
However, this does not mean that players who play the most tournaments will be ranked the highest as there is a max of 19 tournaments that goes into the calculation of a player’s ranking. Coco Gauff captured the attention of the tennis world with her stunning three-set victory over world number one Aryna Sabalenka at the 2023 US Open. Gauff’s finals performance drew more viewers than the men’s championship match and at just 19, the third-ranked American is a newfound leader in the sport. The first are the official world rankings updated weekly on Mondays when points from the previous 52 weeks have dropped. These rankings are used for seedings and determining which tournament a player can enter directly. As the season draws to a close, the live rankings become more important as they reflect where a player will finish the year in the ATP Rankings.
The 6-footer has a slightly less consistent version of Paul’s game, but he can mix it up with just about anyone outside the top 10. The 6-foot-11 serve-bot missed most of a year with a hip injury, then hurt his wrist during rehab. After one match in a challenger event in November, he withdrew with a hand injury. He has earned seven total rankings points since August 2022.
The first official rankings were published by the ATP on the 23rd of August 1973 with Ilie Nastase being the first tennis player to be ranked number 1 in the world. Novak Djokovic is the current world number 1 in the ATP rankings, with Novak currently holding the record for most weeks as the No.1 in men’s tennis. Currently the third-ranked player in the world, Daniil Medvedev is one of the most charismatic and outspoken individuals in tennis. Not afraid to get in a verbal altercation with the umpire over a ruling or even with members of the audience who aren’t seated during play, Daniil’s creativity on the court makes him one to watch.
Meanwhile, Sinner delights fans with his athletic prowess, striking winners from every corner of the court. Djokovic and Nadal could play each other in the second round of the men’s singles event if they each win their first-round match. Djokovic will face Australia’s Matthew Ebden to begin the tournament, while Nadal will square off against Hungary’s Marton Fucsovics. Rafael Nadal will compete in his third and final Olympics this summer at Roland-Garros, where he has won 14 French Open titles.
That might firmly establish that he’s got a lower overall ceiling, but he’s got a higher floor, too. The self-proclaimed “worst athlete in the family” appeared to be on his own mega-breakthrough in 2023 after dominating Daniil Medvedev on his way to the Australian Open quarterfinals. But a wrist injury there knocked him out for most of four months, and he won only one Slam match the rest of the year. He won 10 of 12 at one point in the fall, however, and his game is the most well rounded of any of the other “young, big-serving American” prototypes.
But he’s also only 26, and if his now-lengthy injury history was more bad luck than a sign of things to come, he’s got plenty of time to again establish himself as a top-30 or so presence. When health, form and motivation all collide, Stephens remains a tough out. She played nine matches against top-20 opponents in 2023 and either beat them or took them to three sets five times. But she also lost 10 matches to players outside of the top 50. The 2017 US Open champion remains a threat in any match, but she still struggles to string good performances together.
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Another movie that has sadly slipped into obscurity, ‘Eight Men Out’ is a must-see flick for any baseball fan. The film makes an attempt to document the Black Sox scandal, wherein athletes intentionally lost the 1919 World Series after having a deal with some gamblers. The film was widely praised at the time of its release and was rated as one of the greatest sports dramas ever made. One might argue that it’s more of a sports flick than a gambling movie, but both elements are essential to the film.
An origin story of Las Vegas, Bugsy is principally a study of Bugsy Siegel, a gangster who travels to the desert, convinced he’s seen the mob’s future. Bugsy is less about gambling — although Siegel surely takes some big chances — than it is about Sin City’s messy birth, which proves fascinating, even if the movie’s glitzy, prestige-picture trappings are a bit limiting. Made in the heat of the now-mercifully-cooled World Series of Poker craze, the late Curtis Hanson put an immediate halt to his terrific L.A. Confidential/Wonder Boys/8 Mile/In Her Shoes run with this mostly hackneyed story of a superstar poker player (Eric Bana) with a complicated relationship with his even bigger superstar poker-player father (Robert Duvall). We have seen that story a million times in a million better sports movies — this even has a Big Game at the end — but both Bana and Duvall find some truth in their characters regardless. The best gambling movies offer a perfect blend of suspense, drama, and intensity, providing an unforgettable cinematic experience.
This process seems to go well at first, but things take a turn for the worst when both men come into contact with a local prostitute and a sketchy casino patron. This criminally underrated movie shows the intense highs and lows of the gambler’s mind, with the audience having a front-row seat. Acting as a realistic portrayal of gambling addiction, Ben Mendelsohn’s performance as Gerry shows the misery and recklessness that comes with his type of dependency. There is a trove of exceptional movies about gambling that match Peaky Blinder’s level of entertainment.
Walsh was a dedicated gambler in real life and pulled a great deal from his own experiences when writing the script. In an interview with the poker website PlayCA, Walsh described his goal to make a gambling movie that would be realistic, timeless, and devoid of the romanticized portrayal of gambling often seen in other films. The interviewer notes that “he avoided the temptation to embellish or make gambling seem more romantic than it really is.” Whether you enjoy gambling yourself or prefer to let fictional characters make the bets, the best gambling movies are always good for a rush of adrenaline. The conflux of luck, skill, danger, and, in some cases, cheating is what makes these top gambling films so memorable.
Throughout the film, viewers will get to see Eddie play against a billiards champion, fall in love with a woman with plenty of emotional baggage and come into contact with an experienced gambler who wishes to take Eddie under his wing. The stakes are truly raised within this classic film when Eddie decides to go all in during a high-stakes matchup. Tom Cruise appears in his second gambling movie role as car dealer Charlie Babbitt, who doesn’t have the best relationship with his now-deceased father. After finding out that a massive sum of inheritance money is being left to an autistic brother (played by Dustin Hoffman) he never even knew he had, Charlie gets the bright idea to somehow lift all of that money from his older sibling. This scheme soon leads to Charlie taking his autistic brother on the road with him for a life-changing excursion. All the while, Charlie relies on his brother’s amazing mathematical skills to help him win big at every gaming table they come across during a stop in Las Vegas.
From the Safdie Brothers, Uncut Gems follows fast-talking jeweler Howard as he tries to juggle family obligations, his mistress, angry collectors, and mounting debts on top of his insatiable thirst for gambling. One of James Caan’s best movies, The Gambler focuses on a literature professor with a gambling vice who must avoid loan sharks when they begin to circle. A perennial down-on-his-luck guy works as a gambling jinx, known as a cooler, in an old school casino until his luck changes for the better when he becomes smitten with a cocktail waitress, much to his cutthroat boss’s frustration.
A nickname like “Worm” is itself a red flag for a person, and it’s made even worse when that person has served time. Played by Edward Norton, Worm is one of those characters whom you hate to love, as his gambling habits tear Mike’s world down in a matter of days. William Tell (played by Oscar Isaac) lives a sad life, moving from one motel to the next, living out of suitcases and covering all the furniture in bedsheets. The story of “Tricheurs” revolves around a talented but rebellious student from a working-class background who becomes involved with a group of students who engage in cheating and fraud to achieve academic success.
After getting word that Le Chiffre wants to use high stakes poker to raise money for terrorist activities, MI6 enlists the help of Mr. Bond to try to beat him at the poker table. Not only does Bond show off amazing bluffing strategies but it also manages to break down Le Chiffre organization. This Robert Rossen film was an adaptation of the novel of the same name written by Walter Tevis, who also wrote “The Man Who Fell to Earth” and “The Queen’s Gambit,” two more novels to receive high-profile adaptations.
Keep in mind that while most of these films are widely available, others can only be found in specific countries. ‘Croupier’ is a criminally underrated film that has sadly slipped down into the forgotten corners of cinema over the years. ‘Croupier’ depicts the life of a writer who takes up a job as a croupier in a casino and soon meets a woman who teams up with him and plans to rob the entire casino. The film takes a very realistic look into the casino world and is highly stylised with utmost focus on characterisation and the setting. It takes the form of a dark thriller using noir-influenced techniques and crafts a truly refreshing piece of cinema that deserves the stature of a classic. Steven Soderbergh‘s highly stylised heist drama tells the story of a group of eleven people and a gangster who are looking to rob three popular casinos in Las Vegas.
It’s a sobering look at the devastating effects of gambling addiction on a person’s life and career. Robert Altman’s “California Split” follows two friends, played by George Segal and Elliott Gould, who share a passion for gambling. The film captures the highs and lows of the gambler’s life with a mix of drama and humor. Daniel Craig’s first outing as James Bond features a gripping high-stakes poker game against a terrorist financier.
The story of “Intacto” revolves around the concept of luck as a tangible and transferable asset. In this world, there are individuals known as “luck thieves” who possess the ability to steal the luck of others. The movie broadly explores themes of fate, chance, and the limits of control over one’s own destiny via original storytelling.
While not considered a standout in either genre, it provides an entertaining and suspenseful viewing experience, especially for fans of classic Western movies. Long before Paul Thomas Anderson became the modern master that he is today, he built an idea on telling a story about five people whose lives are connected through a 20$ bill. This idea was further built up and expanded as it ended up being his debut feature film, ‘Hard Eight’ — an outstanding neo-noir crime thriller that portrays the relationship between a professional gambler and his protege.
The main character of Axel’s weakness for gambling ranges from betting on basketball to hot shot casino games, showing that the protagonist is entrenched too deep in his addiction to think logically. Caan manages to make his character, who steals from his own mother to pay his gambling debts, one that the audience can still root for. Oscar Isaac delivers a compelling performance in “The Card Counter,” portraying a gambler with a troubled past seeking redemption through a series of high-stakes poker games.
This forces Eddie to find a way to gamble his way into getting all his friend’s duffle bag money back in full. The Gambler (1974) follows Axel as his life spirals out of control due to his out of control gambling habits. Things reach a fever pitch once he recklessly gambles away a huge sum of his casino earnings, which proceeds to put his life in danger. Bay of Angels comes from the visually sumptuous director Jacques Demy who was lauded for his artistic visuals and unique approaches to drama. A compulsive gambler falls in love with a bank clerk while on vacation in Nice in this romantic drama.
This film tells the story of two friends who play poker as they are in dying need for some cash in order to pay off their debts. ‘Rounders’ surprisingly comes off as a highly underrated film despite having a star-studded cast as it failed to make any significant impact during its release and wasn’t a huge box office success either. However, over the years, the film managed to garner some sort of a cult following, thanks to its storyline and the popularity of the poker games. “Molly’s Game” is a biographical crime drama based on the memoir of the same name by Molly Bloom.
Set in New Orleans during the Great Depression, this classic American drama tells the story of a talented young poker player who aspires to be the best in the game. He gets the opportunity to prove his skills when he challenges the reigning poker champion to a high-stakes poker game. “The Cincinnati Kid” became famous for its impressive poker scenes and powerful demonstration of the psychology behind the game. Even today, despite the movie’s age, it is considered one of the key gambling movies of the time.
The worst gambling addicts are the ones who seem to be addicted to losing yet always think they have a shot at winning, and Eddie Garrett (Jake Johnson) in Netflix’s original comedy film Win It All fits that bill perfectly. Eddie stupidly begins gambling the money in the bag and is somehow saved from himself in the end thanks to a small heart attack. Outside of Eddie’s hilarious misfortune and idiotic gambling logic, Win It All actually has an empathetic core and is a great advertisement for the benefits of addiction counseling. The Great Recession of 2008 made many people take desperate measures to get money and Killing Them Softly punches you in the mouth with the harsh truth that robbing a mafia poker game isn’t the way to go.
Gambling is typically portrayed in films as a boys’ club, but Aaron Sorkin’s Molly’s Game shows how women can be even more adept at navigating the treacherous world of underground gambling. As with the best gambling movies, the poker table is only one arena where the stakes are high in Molly’s Game. She relies on gambling the people’s identities from her poker game to keep her money and avoid prison when the FBI comes knocking.
The team of highly gifted individuals is trained by a professor at MIT (although, in reality, the actual blackjack team wasn’t started by a professor) and has plenty of success in its escapades before things begin going south. One of my friends once said that ‘Bad Lieutenant’ was a film that shook him to the core and forever changed the way he looked at the world. While it didn’t affect me on a profoundly personal level, I can see how devastating the film could be for some people. It’s a film that is brutally honest in its exploration of the dirtiest sides of human nature, and while it may disturb a lot of the viewers, one cannot ignore the universally truthful message that it so brilliantly manages to convey.
Explore our curated list of the best gambling movies of all time, featuring classics and hidden gems that capture the thrill and drama of the casino world. From high-stakes poker to the glitz of Las Vegas, these films offer a captivating glimpse into the world of gambling. In The Gambler, Mark Wahlberg plays Jim Bennett, a literature professor with a dangerous gambling addiction. As his debts mount, Bennett finds himself in increasingly perilous situations, borrowing from loan sharks and crossing paths with criminals. The film delves into the psychological depths of addiction, focusing on the protagonist’s struggle for control as his life spirals out of hand. Wahlberg’s performance captures the self-destructive nature of gambling, making this film a gritty and intense exploration of the darker side of the betting world.
The premise of the film revolves around 4 English friends who decide to pool money to beat a gangster named Hatchet Harry in 3-card brag (UK’s version of poker). Unfortunately, Eddy (the leader of the group) loses everything to Harry, who by the way cheated. The Cincinnati Kid has everything you can wish for in a dramatic classic poker film – the underhand moves, the betrayal, women, guns, actions … the whole shebang to keep your adrenaline pumping. The 2001 version of the 1960 Rat Pack film ends up being a far superior rendition that features a who’s who of Hollywood A-listers.
‘Hard Eight’ isn’t close to Anderson’s greatest works but this is just as exciting and inspiring a debut can ever get and features some of the most compelling characters ever written on-screen. One of the most underrated movies of the 90s, ‘Lock, Stock and Two Smoking Barrels’, directed by Guy Ritchie, is one of the finest comedies I’ve ever seen. The film revolves around Ed who, after losing a crucial poker game against deadly mobster, needs to pay back 500,000 pounds in a week’s time.
The film tells the true story of Molly Bloom, a former Olympic-class skier who becomes involved in hosting high-stakes poker games for wealthy and influential players. The main themes of this movie are power, greed, and the conflict between legality and morality. “Molly’s Game” was positively assessed for its dynamic directing style and strong performance.
Thankfully, this list goes through the trouble of finding 30 of them and are required viewing for movie buffs everywhere. The Cooler embeds itself into the casino milieu, showing the techniques that casinos use to get all the money they can from gamblers. In addition, the film sheds a light on the change in casino policies as the movie’s setting is forced to undergo changes to keep up with modern casinos. In this comedy, Nicolas Cage plays a man who loses a high-stakes poker game and his fiancée (Sarah Jessica Parker) as collateral.
The Ocean’s Trilogy is one of the most iconic casino heist movie series and includes Ocean’s Eleven, Ocean’s Twelve, and Ocean’s Thirteen. All movies star George Clooney as Danny Ocean, an aspiring criminal who wants to complete the largest heist in history. Arguably the most popular film on this list, Martin Scorsese’s follow up to the iconic ‘Goodfellas’ was another tale of friendships, betrayal, greed, violence and morality. Only this time, the setting shifted from the mean streets of New York to the infamous Casino world of Las Vegas. Scorsese has always been fascinated by the glamour world and exposing the dark sides of success and prosperity. The film was widely criticized for its unrestrained use of violence and thematic resemblance to ‘Goodfellas’ but over the years, people have been more vocal in its praise and it is now regarded as one of Scorsese’s better works.
That’s pretty smart if you think about it, with casinos holding as much cash as a bank probably does, but also louder, busier, and easier to slip through undetected. After being robbed by a sore card loser, Bill Denny (played by George Segal) and Charlie Waters (played by Elliott Gould) bond over their mutual, dangerous love of gambling. In Croupier, Mike Hodges gives us a neo-noir take on gambling from the other side of the casino—one in which Jack Manfred (played by Clive Owen) is a dealer rather than a gambler.
Translated as either “Bob the Gambler” or “Bob the High Roller,” Bob le flambuer is a cinematic breakdown of what happens when someone is forced to risk it all. Bob Montagne, the main character of the film, is known as an extremely lucky gambler who’s a big hit amongst the populace. But when things turn dour for him and his good luck subsides, the ones that once loved him the most decide to abandon him. In order to regain his wealthy status, Bob maps out a plan to rob a casino during a, particularly important weekend. The Sting is a classic film that’s the perfect onscreen representation of what it takes to pull off a major con job.
If this list were ranking the most underrated gambling movies ever made, Hard Eight (1996) by Paul Thomas Anderson would undoubtedly come out on top. It stars Phillip Baker Hall along with a star-studded supporting cast of John C. Reilly, Gwyneth Paltrow, Samuel L. Jackson, and Phillip Seymour Hoffman, and they all play a meaningful role in the wide-ranging plot. Except for Hoffman, that is — although, his one scene in the film almost managed to steal the entire show.
He got the idea to build a hotel and casino resort, the Flamingo, during one of his trips to Vegas to check up on a gambling joint. If you’re up for a unique Netflix gambling movie that combines casino heists, tons of action, and zombies, then you should definitely give Army of the Dead a shot. Through her charismatic personality, she attracts higher caliber players and eventually starts running her own games, which gained her a lot of money.
Molly just so happened to be running an exclusive poker game ring for an entire decade that welcomed celebrities, business tycoons, and even mobsters. After being arrested during a massive FBI sting, Molly comes into contact with a criminal defense lawyer and relays more of her enthralling life story to the viewing audience. But his role in Uncut Gems reminded everyone that he’s a force to be reckoned with when he’s given incredible material to work with.
In short, NZ rugby did not take responsibility for the disrespect shown to Irish players, Irish supporters and Ireland. NZ are responsible and accountable for the conduct of their players. He obliquely referenced Sexton’s incident with Peyper seemingly unaware that Ioane was citable under the exact same offence.
Nothing too flashy, he continued to find his close-in runners and – mostly – his areas when box kicking. As the Barrett brothers have proven time and time again, it is hard to keep any of them down (especially when playing together). With Scott Barrett also captaining the Crusaders, Jordie will also be desperate to get his hands on a Super Rugby title. One of the standout All Blacks of 2023, Roigard is looming as the perfect successor to Aaron Smith in Scott Robertson’s starting side.
8 – Aaron Wanwright – 7Wales’ best player last week continued his form here. Rangy runs, athletic grabs under high balls, he also offered a target at the line-out. 2 – Elliot Dee – 6On a long list, it was the line-out that was most abject in Wales’ game last week. Dee’s accuracy here meant England wouldn’t get handed free balls at the set-piece. It was a brave call to go to the back of the line within striking distance, but it worked and Wales won a penalty try from the subsequent maul.
Emmanuel Meafou will be looking to make a statement at the 2024 Six Nations. Standing at 6 foot 8 and weighing 145 kg, this commanding lock is a firm favourite amongst Toulouse fans. At just 20 years old, Cunningham-South is already forging a fierce reputation. As well as regularly appearing for Harlequins in 2023, he crossed the line during England’s win against Scotland at the U20 Six Nations. He followed this by scoring a try during England’s semi-final against France at the World Rugby U20 Championship.
She then made the subsequent conversion to stun medal-favorite Australia and give the United States its first-ever rugby medal. The final handful of medal triumphs that pushed the U.S. to the Olympic milestone came across gymnastics, rugby and swimming, with Simone Biles, Bobby Finke and Ilona Maher among the Team USA stars making the podium. Far and away the most experienced option on this list, the 91 times capped George Ford likely would have been in a shootout with Farrell for the 10 shirt, had the England captain not stepped down. The biggest obstacle he is facing is a lack of consistent game time in the 10 shirt for Leinster, which has both Byrne brothers (Harry and Ross), as well as the next man on this list, Sam Prendergast. Jack Crowley took full control of the backup position at the 2023 Rugby World Cup; the uber-talented Munster star already has shown all of the hallmarks required of a top-quality international.
Pieter-Steph du Toit was central to South Africa’s 2019 and 2023 Rugby World Cup campaigns. His consistency for club (Toyota Verblitz) and country is second to none, and he raised his game once again for the 2023 final – where he was named Player of the Match. Away from the Rugby World Cup, he was named World Rugby’s Player of the Year in 2019 and won the Rugby Championship the same year. FloRugby broadcasts dozens of international rugby matches throughout the year, including the summer rugby internationals from July to September. With the eyes of the sport turning from the recently ended United Rugby Championship, Top 14 and Super Rugby seasons, it’s time to look at who the best players in the world are in 2024. Bristol and a number of other clubs remain in the market for a fly-half.
Is there a team with more depth in world rugby right now than the Springboks? No team in the world can match the depth the Springboks have, and it was fully on display in the Rugby Championship, which they won after losing only once. The All Blacks are rarely second-best, let alone third-best, but this year they finished third in the tournament.
Sexton was banned for abusing/disrespecting Peyper in what was the identical version of this for the Chamions League competition. He was as fast as Christian Cullen, had a pass on him as good as Quade Cooper’s and a Roger Gould boot. His telling off of Sacha was very much the right thing but hopefully not too late.
Lowe has “rapidly become one of the most exciting wings in international rugby”, said Rugby All Star. His performances for Ireland have been marked by “blistering pace, deft handling, and an uncanny ability to find the try line”. And, as his impressive attacking stats prove, he is a player who can “turn a game on its head with a single moment of brilliance”. Usually, the best rugby players in the world only gather in one place every four years when the Rugby World Cup tournament begins, but as the international rugby season is underway, it’s good time to get them together. Dragons wing Rio Dyer is proving himself to be a favourite with Wales head coach Warren Garland, and it’s not hard to see why, when he plays every game like it could be his last.
Although he only played five tests this year, the class and quality of the Les Bleus star catapults him high up the rankings in an indication of his influence in the French set-up. Having been among the world’s premier players for some time now, Maro Itoje enjoyed another fruitful season in 2021. The veteran lock was a shining light in England’s below-par Six Nations campaign to become a regular test starter for the British and Irish Lions on their tour of South Africa. Itoje then capped off his year with a string of standout showings as England swept the Wallabies, Springboks and Tonga in the Autumn Nations Series.
Italian Rugby’s crown jewel, Capuozzo is the sprinkling of magic dust that takes the Azzurri backline to another level whenever he is fit and firing. Argentina’s captain is a no-nonsense, blue-collar worker who does the dirty work so his teammates can shine. He now plays with Suntory Sungoliath in Japan’s Rugby Union League. Russell signed for Bath in the English Premiership for $1 million in 2023.
The Irish “romped” to the Grand Slam in as “dominant a fashion as the championship has ever seen,” said Sky News, beating each side by at least 13 points. They will open this year’s tournament against favourites France, with the winner opening up the path to another perfect championship. The England No 8 has been nominated for @SixNationsRugby’s player of the championship award. Stephen Varney was brought up in Wales but opted to represent Italy to honour his grandparents.
Certainly, there were moments of good, but in reality, Farrell’s presence as both the alpha and leader for England meant Ford was more of a distributor than a decision-maker. Like his clubmate, Costelow, Ioan Lloyd possesses a strong running game and a clever short- to mid-range kicking game that could work a treat with the dangerous Welsh backs. Historically, Ireland has steered clear of rushing players onto the international stage, but the 6’4” Prendergast is an exception. Taking to the international stage like a duck to water, Crowley already has featured in several significant test matches. The back-row bruiser also expressed his satisfaction with his evolving role as a ball-carrier in the wider channels, a tactic that has proven effective for the Boks this season.
Sinned when he went early on another scrum when Wales had the feed on England’s line. 15 – Cameron Winnett – 8Didn’t merely catch high balls and hoof them back. He showed maturity and composure, looking up with the intent to impact the game. And when fielding under pressure he demonstrated the strength to keep the ball alive. Gets extra points for a one-on-one tackle on the much larger Tommy Freeman that saved a try early in the second half. An effective kicker, dangerous in broken play and a strong finisher, the decision to re-sign him for two years is a strong indication of his potential as an attacking weapon.
Clear yellow card and the latest in a long line of dumb plays by the All Blacks who, let us not forget, collected two red cards for dangerous head contact in the last four games they played against the Boks. Antoine Dupont needs no introduction, and few would disagree that he is the best player in the world right now. Not only can he display his skills on a 15s stage, but he has also started his 7s career with a bang, scoring a try on his debut for France. So far in his career, he has won the Six Nations with France and three top 14 titles with Toulouse. Eben Etzebeth is one of the first players that comes to mind when fans think of the Springboks jersey.
The following players have received the Gallagher Premiership Player of the Month award during the 2024–25 season, as selected by a panel of media commentators, in addition to monthly public polls. With game time now under the belt, ALB will be perfectly primed for a strong year as Waikato look to go one better, and will plenty on the line to play for with positions in the All Blacks starting XV open. The fastest player ever to reach 40 tries in Super Rugby, Sevu Reece, in partnership with former Crusader Leicester Fainga’anuku, was a major reason behind their team’s insane ability to score tries. A ruthless finisher, Reece is still no less of a threat out on the wings for Canterbury, and many backlines will have their work cut out just trying to shut him down. Sharing the record with Telea with 12 tries last season, Codie Taylor is a formidable veteran at the head of a dangerous Crusaders pack.
The winger is so often Ireland’s trump card when one is required, and his seven line breaks are the most in the Championship this year. Rampaging second row Federico Ruzza is a cornerstone of the Italian pack, and he is evidently their target man at this set-piece, taking 17 lineouts in three matches. While Wales’ lineout has faltered at key moments, back rower Aaron Wainwright (15) and lock Dafydd Jenkins (12) have been the go-tos in this area. Tadhg Beirne, Ollie Chessum and Scott Cummings are all level with Jenkins in third. Flanker Tommy Reffell must be a nightmare to play against, such is his disruptive influence at the breakdown.
The once-intimidating aura of the All Blacks seems to have faded.They are by no means in crisis like the Wallabies, but at the moment, they aren’t performing at a level that puts them among the elite. The emergence of young loose forwards like Carlo Tizzano and Fraser McReight was a huge plus, while the growth of Harry Wilson was impressive. The return of Len Ikitau also provided much-needed defensive strength and attacking creativity. The Wallabies finished last, with only a last-minute win against Argentina in South America to their name.
When I look at Goosen for example, he was overplayed badly back in his younger days and IMHO never really reached the heights he should have done. My guy this has to be one of the most embarrassing comments threads I have ever seen. Close to the end of this I realised I was wincing while reading your rants.
His annual salary of $900,000 establishes him as the fourth highest-paid rugby player. He’s the only other player on the list to earn over $1 million a year for his services. ‘Industrious’ doesn’t begin to sum up the workrate of Azzurri captain Michele Lamaro, but it’s a good start. The back rower has made a breathtaking 55 tackles after three rounds of play – he also tops the dominant tackles list, with six – with Wales’ Tommy Reffell nine behind. Two front rowers have been putting themselves about too, in prop Pierre Schoeman (36) and hooker Gianmarco Lucchesi (34).
“He’s up for renewal at Christmas and we are in negotiation about extending to the World Cup – there have been positive tones, I might add,” Sanderson said. The Wallaroos flanker will match the record for the most appearances, set by Liz Patu with 33 caps, this weekend in Cape Town. Ashley Marsters will become the equal most-capped Australian women’s Test player this weekend. Singled out as one to watch by Italy great Sergio Parisse, the uncapped Izekor is a colossus of a back row who stands 6’5” tall and weighs well over 17 stones. A force on both sides of the ball, the 23-year-old will be looking to transfer his impressive form for Benetton on to the Test arena. With the U.S. trailing 12-7 in the game’s final seconds, Sedrick broke away from the Australia defense for a game-tying try.
He is up there as one of the best No 8s in world rugby and will be key to Les Bleus navigating the tournament without Antoine Dupont. As captain of La Rochelle, Gregory Alldritt is no stranger to being the leader of his side. Fresh from his mid-season break, Alldritt is expected to lead from the front for France, his power and commanding presence in the pack giving his side confidence. Head coach Warren Gatland believes he can grow into an Alun Wyn Jones-style of leader- the highest of compliments for the young man. Potentially the best scrum-half in England at the moment after an incredible season with Northampton, Alex Mitchell could really come into his own at this tournament. Leinster and La Rochelle once again met in the Champions Cup final, with the Irish side dominating the first half before La Rochelle staged a big comeback to retain their title once again.
A true headhunter on defense, the giant center smashes opponents with an unrelenting velocity, while in attack, he has the glint of the great Waisale Serevi about him. Fijian Rugby’s spiritual leader, Nayacelevu led his team to within an inch of a Rugby World Cup semifinal in 2023. England’s chop-tackling maestro is back to his best and has added another layer to his game as a game-changing carrier. Still just 27 years old, the 2019 Rugby World Cup star brings a nasty edge to an explosive England pack. Slotting into a star-studded Toulouse backline, the diminutive dynamo is one of the most exciting attacking talents in the world.
Russell is “a fly-half known for his attacking instincts”, said Rugby World. He can produce a host of “kicks, flicks and tricks to create try-scoring opportunities for himself and his team-mates”. And being named co-captain with Rory Darge signals an end to his previously stormy relationship with head coach Gregor Townsend. Every year, the Six Nations showcases some of rugby union’s greatest players. As a result, several of the sport’s finest have cemented their reputation at the tournament.
Will Jordan has lit up the rugby stage for years, and added to his list of achievements at the 2023 Rugby World Cup. He finished the tournament with eight tries, equalling the record for most tries at a Rugby World Cup. The other two players to have achieved the feat are legends Jonah Lomu and Bryan Habana. The versatile back, who has won the Super Rugby title multiple times with the Crusaders, has at least one more Rugby World Cup cycle in him to add to his points tally.
Australian rugby is clearly feeling the effects of a disruptive tenure under Eddie Jones.Joe Schmidt has a massive job ahead of him. The Wallabies are in the doldrums and need a significant boost in quality in their forward pack, particularly in the tight five, as well as finding a flyhalf capable of controlling the game. The 2024 Rugby Championship was filled with thrilling encounters between four of the top rugby nations. Bet Central takes a look at how all the teams fared in this year’s competition.
This is not meant to disparage Farrell’s contribution to English rugby, but his presence no doubt has hampered Ford. A master tactician with a sublime passing and kicking game, Ford is an old-school game manager in the best sense of the word. With his long-term teammate and friend now unavailable and seemingly on his way to the Top 14, Ford could prove to be both the first-choice fly-half and English captain this year. Despite featuring against Italy and France in the tournament, Williams did not crack the Welsh World Cup squad. Making his senior debut for Leinster last season in the URC, he has begun to get more first-team opportunities this season.
Dyer has a chance to make the position his own and show Wales fans that the loss of LRZ has given them a chance to see Dyer shine. At the Six Nations, we will see if he can meet the challenge of blending youth, experience, and managing players he has played alongside for a long time. Like Reed, Scotland’s Six Nations squad features three other uncapped players. Most noteworthy is loosehead prop Alec Hepburn, who earned six caps for England in 2018. Additionally, Will Hurd and Harry Paterson will make their debuts.
But such restrictions could potentially be classed as restraint of trade if a legal challenge were to be launched. Already this season, we have seen proposals for a streamlined “Premium Tour” peter out, while cases of player burn-out proliferate, and matches increasingly extend into the small hours of the morning. Frustration is building within both the men’s and women’s locker rooms. The PTPA’s central point is that the average tennis player remains overworked and underpaid by the standards of global sport. Although the ATP and WTA Tours have staved off the spectre of a LIV-style breakaway, mainly by granting official events to Saudi Arabia, it now seems as though revolution could come from within.
It was cool getting to walk onto Rod Laver Arena and be part of a different sport. It was also interesting to see an athlete like Novak be able to run, to be able to stretch and play basketball. The PTPA has mostly stayed out of the headlines for the past five years, concentrating on building its infrastructure, offering player services and benefits, and raising revenue via trading cards and computer games.
With a game style that has been described as a mix of Nadal and Federer, Holger Rune is part of the younger cohort leading the charge of the next generation of elite players. Rune, who turned pro in 2020, has four career titles, including the 2022 ATP Masters in Paris and the 2023 BMW Open in Munich, and is currently ranked sixth in the world. Jessica Pegula spent much of her early career battling on the lower ITF circuit, taking 11 years after turning pro to break into the top 100. Her determination and precision on the court, as well as the experience she has gained with her doubles partner Coco Gauff, have paid off. The 29-year-old American is now the fifth-ranked player in the world, holding four WTA singles titles and seven doubles titles.
Tsitsipas has racked up ten career wins since turning pro in 2016, currently holding a spot as the seventh ranked player in the world. Coco Gauff captured the attention of the tennis world with her stunning three-set victory over world number one Aryna Sabalenka at the 2023 US Open. Gauff’s finals performance drew more viewers than the men’s championship match and at just 19, the third-ranked American is a newfound leader in the sport. Below is a breakdown of the points awarded to players at ATP 250, 500, 1000, and grand slam tournaments in 2024. A male professional tennis player’s ranking is based on their performance at ATP-sanctioned tournaments over the proceeding 52-week period. The lineup includes six of the top 12 male players and six of the top 10 female players, with 2024 Wimbledon champion Barbora Krejcíkova and women’s doubles Paris 2024 gold medallist Jasmine Paolini making their debut.
ESPN surveyed league executives, coaches and scouts to help us rank the top 10 players at 11 different positions, from quarterback to cornerback and all positions in between. This was the fifth edition of these rankings, and as usual, several players moved up or fell off last year’s lists. I’ll have a hit every now and then, but I still need to improve a lot. I’m fast around the court, but I don’t have the agility that the top tennis players have.
There’s still room for improvement and plenty of time left to improve. After a change to her coaching team, she won summer titles in Washington and Cincinnati, beating Iga Swiatek for the first time. Then she carved through the US Open field, beating Aryna Sabalenka in the final.
A player can use a protected ranking for the first nine tournaments they compete in using the Entry Protection or for up to nine months, beginning with the first tennis event that the player competes in, whichever happens first. This excludes wild cards and entries as a Direct Acceptance, should the true ranking allow this. In her past four Slams, Brady has won 15 matches and reached two semifinals and one final. Unfortunately, those four events have come in a more than three-year span.
The 38-year-old Spaniard has two Olympic gold medals in his trophy case, winning men’s singles in 2008 and men’s doubles in 2016. He did not compete at the 2012 or 2020 Olympics due to injury. The first official rankings were published by the ATP on the 23rd of August 1973 with Ilie Nastase being the first tennis player to be ranked number 1 in the world.
She played nine matches against top-20 opponents in 2023 and either beat them or took them to three sets five times. But she also lost 10 matches to players outside of the top 50. The 2017 US Open champion remains a threat in any match, but she still struggles to string good performances together. Collins was beset by unlucky draws in 2023, finishing seven of her 18 tournaments against Swiatek, Pegula or Rybakina.
India’s Sumit Nagal, world-ranked 83, will also return to the tournament. Meanwhile, Daniil Medvedev and Andrey Rublev, who were part of the WTL 2023 title-winning team PBG Eagles, will compete again at the competition, along with 2024 US Open runner-up Taylor Fritz, Hubert Hurkacz and Casper Ruud. Protected rankings cannot be used for seeding purposes or Lucky Loser consideration, nor can they be used for a top eight player to qualify for the Nitto ATP Finals. Rankings work on a rolling 52-week period and take into account a player’s best results in 19 tournaments for the ATP and 16 for the WTA.
16 spots of the 128-person field are reserved for professionals or amateurs who win three matches in the qualifying tournament. No qualifier entry has ever gone on to win the US Open until 2021 when 18-year-old Emma Raducanu did just that, claiming the Grand Slam title in dominating fashion without dropping a set the entire tournament. Since then, Radacanu has fallen out of the top 200, but she’s planning her return next year. Ben Shelton is a rising star who brings power, agility, and fearlessness to the game. Shelton’s elite serve speeds—which have hit as high as 149 mph during tournament play—draw gasps from the audience and racket claps from opponents.
Do players such as Pegula, Fritz and Tiafoe still have another level to add to their respective games? Sinner’s rollercoaster year took a dip this month when it was revealed he tested positive for a banned steroid in March and had to forfeit the prize money and ranking points he had earned at the Indian Wells tournament. But the International Tennis Integrity Agency found that the low levels in his system were the result of contamination, and Sinner was not forced to miss any time on tour. While he did sit out the Paris Olympics because of tonsillitis and has been hampered by a hip injury, his season has taken him to new heights as well. Off the court, he picked up endorsements with skincare line La Roche-Posay and De Cecco pasta, alongside existing sponsors like Gucci, Lavazza coffee and Rolex.
At this point, she’s taken home two WTA titles and currently ranking 18th in the world. The 24-time Grand Slam champion only has one Olympic medal, claiming bronze at the 2008 Beijing Games. Among men’s players with at least 20 Grand Slam titles, he is the only one to never stand atop the Olympic podium with gold around his neck. Rafael Nadal will compete in his third and final Olympics this summer at Roland-Garros, where he has won 14 French Open titles. He struggled in this year’s French Open, however, falling to defending Olympic gold medalist Alexander Zverev in the first round. Winners of the men’s singles and doubles at ATP 250 tournaments receive 250 points with the runner-up receiving 150 points.
Djokovic will face Australia’s Matthew Ebden to begin the tournament, while Nadal will square off against Hungary’s Marton Fucsovics. The world’s top tennis players are getting ready to run it back at Roland-Garros. The official rankings are updated every Monday, except during the middle of Grand Slam tournaments and Miami + Indian Wells.
This year, the players have found themselves busier than ever, thanks to the inclusion of the Olympic tennis event on the schedule and the fact that matches are running longer and longer. Meanwhile the ATP have extended Masters 1000 tournaments to two weeks and the WTA have bumped up the number of mandatory events from four to 10. 2023 has been an amazing year in tennis, complete with record-setting performances on both the men’s and women’s sides. From Novak Djokovic putting his 24th grand slam title in the record books to Coco Gauff’s US Open finals three-set stunner, fans were treated to moments that will go down in history. Winners of the men’s singles and doubles grand slam tournaments receive 2,000 points with the runner-up receiving 1,300 points.
She won 22 of 23 matches at one point, won nine of her last 13 against top-10ers and finishes the year third in the world. She is officially a threat to win any Slam she enters for the foreseeable future. Stefanos Tsitsipas has a massive 1.8 million follower count on Instagram, where the 25-year-old Greek phenom is known for posting pictures of his travels and more.
When 52 weeks have passed since the points were acquired, they are dropped, and new points are added. If you match your performance from 52 weeks ago, you have a net gain/loss of zero points. You’ll gain points if you better your performance, but if you perform worse, you’ll lose points.
Navarro won just one Slam match, but she finished the year on the brink of the top 30 thanks to steadily awesome performances at minor events. She reached seven ITF finals (with five titles) and won 64 of a grueling 88 matches. She also beat two top-15 players, Maria Sakkari and Keys, in September. Her serve needs work, but Pegula might be the only American with a better return game.
She lost four of five to end the year, but she’s nearly back in the top 30 and, at 25, still has time to carve out another peak. On the men’s side, for instance, Tommy Paul reached the semifinals of the Australian Open, and Christopher Eubanks enjoyed a late-career breakthrough at Wimbledon. “I think for the people who don’t watch tennis, probably thanks to these kind of matches, [they] start to watch tennis or even practice it. I think it is pretty good.” “When Jannik and I face each other, playing against each other, I think it’s a really good thing for tennis because we always show a really intense match, really close match, great points, great rallies.
Equally noteworthy in the list are the Russian aces, Daniil Medvedev and Andrey Rublev, who are reinventing the game with their tenacious performances. Medvedev’s style of play is a perfect blend of versatility and precision, keeping opponents and spectators on their toes. Rublev, known for his explosive power and hard-shot baseline games, constantly delivers electrifying performances that leave fans in awe. Carrying forward the legacy of German tennis, Alexander Zverev’s intelligent gameplay and clinical finishes make him a formidable force in the circuit. The list wouldn’t be complete without the mention of the tennis maestro Carlos Alcaraz, the ever-dominant Novak Djokovic, and the energetic Jannik Sinner. Alcaraz, the young prodigy, has fascinated fans with his relentless passion and speed on the court.
Below are links to the latest ATP and WTA rankings for singles and doubles. The site primarily focuses on the men’s game but also covers the financials of the sports, equipment reviews, strings, and every tournament at Grand Slam, 1000, and 500 level. Since then it’s gone on to be one of the largest independently owned website for tennis news and a platform for fans to share their views on the game.
His runner-up finish in Melbourne also gave him records for the most sets played at a Grand Slam tournament (31) and the most time spent on court (24 hours 17 minutes). An avid gamer, Medvedev has partnerships with HyperX gaming headsets and game makers EA Sports and Ubisoft, and he joined the ownership group of esports organization M80 last year. Since turning pro in 2003, Novak Djokovic has piled up a record 24 Grand Slam singles titles, staking his claim as tennis’ greatest of all time. But no matter how many titles he won, he never ranked higher than No. 2 on the list of the sport’s highest-paid players—until Roger Federer’s retirement in 2022. The following year, Djokovic finally seized the top spot, with a combined $38.4 million in on-court and estimated off-court earnings.
Winners of the men’s singles and doubles at ATP 500 tournaments receive 500 points with the runner-up receiving 330 points. Winners of the men’s singles and doubles at mandatory Masters 1000 tournaments receive 1,000 points with the runner-up receiving 650 points. However, this does not mean that players who play the most tournaments will be ranked the highest as there is a max of 19 tournaments that goes into the calculation of a player’s ranking. The first are the official world rankings updated weekly on Mondays when points from the previous 52 weeks have dropped.
As Nassar told Telegraph Sport, tennis’s ongoing inertia is a far bigger problem for the players than it is for the various powerbrokers – most of whom are too busy with day-to-day firefighting to look at the sport as a whole. It might be presumptuous putting the teenager here instead of more established players such as Mackenzie McDonald or Marcos Giron. The big-serving, 6-foot-4 Michelsen took down both McDonald and John Isner on his way to the Newport finals in July. Success on the challenger and futures circuits bumped him into the top 100 and earned him a spot in the year-end NextGen finals. We talk a lot about ceilings in a piece like this, and for a while it felt as if Gauff had found hers. She spent most of a year ranked either seventh or eighth in the world, and from August 2021 through May 2023, she went just 3-15 against top-10 opponents.
Iga Swiatek spent a whopping 75 consecutive weeks at world number one, the third-longest streak in WTA history, before getting bumped to number two after her fourth-round loss at the 2023 US Open. Swiatek’s strong forehand, in addition to her ability to hold serve incredibly well, makes it difficult for opponents to get ahead. If you are looking for the Live ATP rankings then this is available on the ATP Tour website. The Entry Protection status gives players entry into the main draw or qualifying competition or for special exempt consideration. The mission of the site is to allow tennis journalists and fans freedom and creativity in their writing, personal commentary, and out-of-the-box analysis. I’m a massive fan and I’ve been quite lucky to come to the Australian Open every single year.
The best part of the game is probably how fast it is and watching it live, you can appreciate how good they are. You can follow it on television, but when you’re sitting courtside and trying to follow the ball it’s impossible. I had the chance to try and return one of Novak’s serves and that was impossible. Unusually for the incestuous world of tennis, the 44-year-old Nassar has worked at a high level in other sports, including the NFL. His mentor was David Stern – formerly the commissioner of the US’s biggest basketball league – and he brings Stern’s can-do attitude to his present post.
She was nearly upset-proof, but she was struggling to break through to a top-five level. “I think we both respect each other a lot, as a player, as a person, but once we are on tour travelling, during tournaments when we are on site, we are with our team on our own, so we don’t speak too much. Canelo Álvarez, Devin Booker, Carli Lloyd and the Cavinder twins. He has also reported on industry trends such as the tech revolution in trading cards, Las Vegas’ rise as a sports town and the American-led investments in Italian soccer. Knight joined Forbes in 2017 and previously served as the assistant managing editor for contributors—overseeing the website’s network of nearly 3,000 freelance writers and the editors working with them—and as the deputy business editor.
Open—and her follow-up with a doubles title at this year’s French Open—gave marketers one more reason to chase the young American star, who has pursued a steady strategy off the court but has still found herself among the sport’s best paid. At the Paris Olympics’ opening ceremony in July, she served as Team USA’s flag-bearer, alongside LeBron James, and she will be appearing on a limited-edition box of Wheaties. The “open” in the US Open means the tournament is open for anyone to compete.
Di norma in questa disciplina non esiste il pareggio, come nella migliore tradizione degli sport d’oltreoceano. Se al termine di una partita il risultato è ancora di parità, viene giocato un tempo supplementare che termina immediatamente con il goal di una delle due squadre, detto in inglese “sudden death” (piuttosto spaventevole, no?). Se al termine del tempo supplementare nessuna delle due squadre ha segnato, la partita viene decisa ai rigori. Un incontro dura normalmente 60 minuti effettivi, divisi in tre periodi da 20 minuti ciascuno. Il roller derby è uno sport di contatto sui pattini a rotelle, quad, in cui due squadre di pattinatori a rotelle si affrontano su di una pista ellittica, track, in una gara di velocità, tecnica e strategia. Questo sport nasce come prevalentemente femminile negli USA e da lì si diffonde in tutta Europa.
Per fornire le migliori esperienze, noi e i nostri partner utilizziamo tecnologie come i cookie per memorizzare e/o accedere alle informazioni del dispositivo. Il consenso a queste tecnologie permetterà a noi e ai nostri partner di elaborare dati personali come il comportamento durante la navigazione o gli ID univoci su questo sito e di mostrare annunci (non) personalizzati. Non acconsentire o ritirare il consenso può influire negativamente su alcune caratteristiche e funzioni. L’hockey inline è “sbarcato” in Italia da oltreoceano a metà anni ’90 ed ha avuto una diffusione capillare, coprendo geograficamente un pò tutte le regioni. Si gioca con quattro giocatori di movimento (che si alternano con cambi di linee anche “volanti”) ed un portiere. In vista del primo ingaggio, in calendario il 17 settembre, abbiamo selezionato le individualità di maggior spicco della NL, con l’obiettivo di selezionare i migliori 10 giocatori per ogni posizione (5 nel caso dei portieri).
Nico Hischier è il giocatore svizzero della NHL selezionato più in alto di sempre in un draft, dopo che i Devils lo hanno scelto come numero uno nel Draft NHL 2017. Da aprile 2025 sarà aperta la vendita libera sia dei biglietti olimpici sia di quelli paralimpici, senza un ulteriore sorteggio né turni d’acquisto predefiniti. Per essere certi di assicurarsi i propri eventi preferiti, è necessario registrarsi sulla piattaforma Ticketing già ora e comunque entro metà gennaio 2025. In questo modo, si parteciperà al sorteggio per conoscere la propria finestra temporale per l’acquisto dei biglietti olimpici. Iscrivendosi, si avrà la possibilità di essere tra i primi ad accedere alla fase di vendita e scegliere così quali sessioni vedere e le migliori categorie di biglietto tra quelle disponibili.
Fu chiaro che presto gran parte di queste sarebbero arrivate velocemente alla massima serie, mettendo a rischio il ruolo che ricoprivano le Nazioni dell’Europa Occidentale. Per questo la federazione decise di allargare il numero di squadre partecipanti alla pool A. Un fallo può indurre l’arbitro a dare al giocatore interessato un cartellino verde che equivale a 2 minuti di sospensione, giallo che equivale a 5 minuti o rosso che equivale a un’espulsione. Le porte, situate alle estremità del campo sono circondate da un’area a forma di D. All’inizio, l’hockey veniva giocato sull’erba vera, ma ciò rendeva il gioco più lento.
Gli avversari degli azzurri sono Slovenia, Ungheria, Giappone, Romania e Corea del Sud. A partire dal 28 aprile, tutti giocano contro tutti, e le prime due classificate avanzano. La promozione sarebbe importante per l’Italia anche in vista dei Giochi Olimpici invernali del 2026 che ospiterà. La cerimonia di apertura sarà sabato prossimo in piazza Walther, il giorno successivo a Bolzano inizieranno i Campionati Mondiali di Hockey su Ghiaccio di I Divisione gruppo A, e dureranno fino al 4 maggio.
Nonostante i tre anni di stop, senza questo avrebbe potuto tranquillamente superare il record degli 800 gol in carriera. Jaromir Jagr è uno dei migliori giocatori e ha lasciato un segno profondo nella storia dell’hockey. Con cinque titoli di punteggio, tre titoli Lester Pearson (Ted Lindsay) e un titolo Hart, ha dimostrato la sua classe e il suo innegabile talento.
Inoltre, la Florida ospiterà Edmonton il 27 febbraio alla Amerant Bank Arena. Il tuo indirizzo e-mail viene utilizzato solo per inviarti la nostra newsletter e informazioni sulle attività di Hockey Italia 21. Per rimuovere il tuo indirizzo dalla mailing, puoi sempre utilizzare il link di disiscrizione incluso nella newsletter. Il giocatore degli Oilers spera di seguire le orme del padre, Peter Draisaitl, che ha partecipato a tre Giochi Olimpici tra il 1988 e il 1998. Ha trascorso un decennio a Boston, dove si appresta a vivere il suo 11° anno in squadra, segnando oltre 100 gol nelle sue ultime due campagne NHL con i Bruins. Aho potrà anche rappresentare la sua nazione nel 4 Nations Face-Off, un nuovo torneo disputato con Stati Uniti, Svezia e Canada nel febbraio 2025.
Lo stile poco ortodosso e i riflessi incredibili di Hašek gli sono valsi il soprannome di “Dominatore”. Durante la sua carriera nella NHL ha vinto due Stanley Cup e diversi Vezina Trophy. La vita di Hašek è legata a Pardubice, la città del profumato pan di zenzero e delle prestigiose corse di cavalli. E tu puoi arrivare a Kladno con una romantica gita in bicicletta lungo il fiume Elba. I dischi da hockey neri, utilizzati nelle partite disputate sotto la bandiera della Federazione internazionale di hockey su ghiaccio (IIHF) a partire dai Giochi Olimpici di Nagano, sono prodotti nella Moravia orientale dall’azienda a conduzione familiare Gufex. Il difensore canadese che gioca per gli Ottawa 67’s nella OHL potrebbe completare la top ten.
Grazie alle sue lunghe braccia e al bastone, ha un grande vantaggio nel terzo difensivo, dove può essere estremamente efficace quando si tratta di vincere duelli o bloccare tiri. Silaev è un titolare del Nizhny Novgorod dall’inizio della stagione in corso, dove ha ottenuto un elevato numero di minuti. Finora ha segnato due gol e aggiunto cinque assist, venendo sospeso solo una volta in 19 partite.
Il sette volte All-Star della NHL ha capitanato gli Edmonton Oilers alle finali della Stanley Cup nel 2024 e ha al suo attivo tre medaglie d’oro ai Mondiali a tutti i livelli. I giocatori della NHL parteciperanno ai Giochi Olimpici Invernali di Milano Cortina 2026, per la prima volta dopo 12 anni.
L’India ha vinto 8 medaglie d’oro, incluso 6 consecutive dal 1928 al 1956, segnando 197 gol e concedendone solo 8. I Paesi Bassi hanno vinto 9 medaglie in totale ai Giochi Olimpici, di cui 4 ori, e la più recente medaglia è stata vinta a Tokyo 2020. Ciò nonostante, altre nazioni come Argentina, Germania, Spagna, Francia e Belgio, Campione Olimpico maschile in carica, hanno scalato la classifica internazionale rendendo l’hockey veramente uno sport mondiale. I migliori giocatori di hockey su ghiaccio avranno la possibilità di rappresentare la propria nazione, mentre 12 squadre già qualificate, tra cui Canada e Stati Uniti, saranno in Italia a lottare per la medaglia d’oro. Il robusto difensore di 2 metri e mezzo pattina bene e ha un istinto offensivo nonostante la sua altezza.
Con questa frase si è accolti sul sito ufficiale delle Olimpiadi invernali 2026, dove da oggi è possibile accedere in anteprima all’unica biglietteria ufficiale dei prossimi Giochi Olimpici e Paralimpici Invernali. Praticato con una tavola a rotelle le cui dimensioni e caratteristiche variano a seconda dei gusti e della specialità, lo Skateboarding è una attività che supera l’argine della mera pratica sportiva divenendo stile di vita e sottocultura. Il downhill è una disciplina del pattinaggio in line che combina velocità, tecnica di pattinaggio, tecnica di gara, frenate, prontezza di spirito e di riflessi oltre ad un “briciolo” di audacia.
L’ala dei Winnipeg Jets ha giocato un ruolo chiave nelle qualificazioni Olimpiche finali, registrando un gol e tre assist in tre partite per mandare i danesi nuovamente ai Giochi. Il centro ha già assaporato l’oro con la sua nazione, facendo parte della squadra svedese che ha trionfato ai Mondiali del 2018, e da allora ha giocato per più di sette stagioni con Vancouver. La squadra degli Stati Uniti, composta da giocatori NHL, sarà sicuramente guidata da Auston Matthews, una delle forze della lega con i Maple Leafs.
Se sono presenti più di 40 squadre viene organizzata anche la Terza Divisione. Le squadre del Gruppo A disputano un girone preliminare, poi le migliori otto accedono ai playoff fino alla finale per la medaglia d’oro. Dal 1977 i mondiali sono aperti a tutti i giocatori, sia dilettanti che professionisti.
A livello di campionato NTDP, nella stagione precedente ha disputato 62 incontri con 104 punti (69+35), risultando il terzo giocatore più produttivo della competizione e il capocannoniere con un ampio margine. Lo ha dimostrato nella USHL, dove gli sono bastati 28 successi in 32 partite. In totale, nella stagione 22/23 ha segnato 108 gol nello stesso numero di partite.
Il Campionato del Mondo 2024 è stata la 46ª edizione del campionato del mondo di hockey su pista; la manifestazione è stata disputata in Italia a Novara. Le squadre competono per la promozione in Divisione III Gruppo B. Nel 2023 le partite si sono giocate ad Ulan Bator, in Mongolia, dal 23 al 26 marzo. La Danimarca partecipa al suo secondo torneo Olimpico di hockey su ghiaccio maschile a Milano Cortina, grazie all’eroismo di Nikolaj Ehlers.
Mews è un difensore mobile e intelligente che ama avere il disco sul bastone. Quest’anno, alla Gold Hlinka Gretzky Cup, ha realizzato sette punti (1+6) in cinque partite ed è stato il difensore più produttivo della manifestazione. Ci si aspetta che raccolga sempre più punti nel campionato giovanile, dove gioca. Ne ha segnati 31 nella stagione precedente e ora ne ha quattro dopo sei partite. Tuttavia, la sua visione di gioco, il processo decisionale, i tackle e i passaggi hanno superato molti adulti.
Iniziamo con recensioni che si basano su test condotti per almeno un mese, durante il quale esaminiamo tutte le funzionalità del sito, inclusi i metodi di deposito e prelievo. Valutiamo anche i bonus di benvenuto, prestando particolare attenzione alla facilità di sblocco e ai requisiti di puntata. Inoltre, testiamo l’efficienza e la rapidità del servizio di assistenza clienti, per garantire un’esperienza di alta qualità. Dopo un’accurata analisi dei siti di scommesse con licenza ADM, abbiamo selezionato i migliori per guidarvi nella scelta della piattaforma ideale. Questa classifica è il risultato di un confronto dettagliato tra le caratteristiche più importanti dei top bookmakers, arricchito dall’attenzione ai dettagli che solo chi possiede anni di esperienza nel settore del betting è in grado di cogliere.
Clicca sul pulsante ticketing sul nostro sito e iscriviti al sorteggio per assicurarti i migliori biglietti. Questa disciplina dinamica, caratterizzata da pattinaggio veloce, contatti fisici e la precisione del gioco di squadra, ha catturato il cuore di appassionati in tutto il mondo, trasformando il ghiaccio in un palcoscenico rovente di emozioni. Ciò che è speciale non sono solo i risultati di Orr sul campo, ma anche la sua influenza fuori dal campo. Ha guidato la lotta contro la disonestà di Alan Eagleson, un problema scioccante nel settore della gestione dei giocatori. Questo sostegno reciproco dimostra la leadership e l’umanità di Orr, nonché il grande impatto che ha avuto non solo nell’hockey ma anche nella comunità fuori dal campo.
Questa volta è anche ospite della stessa squadra e dopo undici partite ha un record di 4+1. Il difensore Artyom Levshunov potrebbe diventare il bielorusso con il draft più alto nella storia della NHL. La scorsa stagione ha giocato un totale di 65 partite per i Green Bay Gamblers nella USHL, segnando 43 punti (13+30), e dalla nuova stagione fa parte della Michigan State University nella NCAA. Sa giocare al corpo, usa un tiro duro ed è affidabile su entrambi i lati del tabellone. Il suo lato positivo potrebbe essere anche quello di non essere sottoposto a pressioni come i difensori più osservati, Dickinson e Kiviharju. Grandi giocatori di hockey come Wayne Gretzky, Bobby Orr, Mario Lemieux, Gordie Howe e Jaromir Jagr non erano solo grandi giocatori sul campo, ma anche simboli di forza, talento e passione.
Il campionato mondiale di hockey su ghiaccio maschile è la massima competizione di tale disciplina per squadre nazionali maggiori.Organizzato su base annuale dall’International Ice Hockey Federation, si disputa dal 1920. Ha un’ottima visione di gioco, un ottimo playmaking, un passaggio preciso, sa cavarsela in situazioni difficili ed è altrettanto responsabile in retrovia. Forse non è il difensore più produttivo, con 31 punti in 83 partite nella OHL la scorsa stagione, ma non è estraneo ai power play.
Quanto prima finirà la serie – idealmente con la vittoria del Brynäs – tanto maggiore sarà la possibilità che Clara si unisca alla nazionale. Leon Draisaitl si è distinto per anni come leader del campionato, diventando il primo giocatore di hockey tedesco a vincere i premi della stagione regolare come capocannoniere, MVP e most outstanding player della NHL. La redazione è composta da esperti che lavorano nel settore del gambling da anni. Grazie alla consolidata esperienza, siamo in grado di analizzare e valutare i migliori siti di scommesse con un occhio attento ai dettagli e una profonda conoscenza delle dinamiche di questo mercato. Il nostro obiettivo è fornire giudizi chiari e imparziali, fondati su criteri oggettivi come la sicurezza, la varietà delle offerte, i servizi disponibili e l’efficienza del servizio clienti. Ci impegniamo affinché i nostri lettori possano prendere decisioni informate e sicure quando scommettono online.Il nostro processo di analisi dei siti di scommesse è approfondito e metodico.
Un’evoluzione che li ha portati a disputare anche il Mondiale di Top Division nel 2018, nella stessa stagione delle Olimpiadi Invernali di Pyeongchang. Wayne Gretzky non è solo un grande giocatore nella storia dell’hockey, ma anche un innegabile simbolo di eccellenza e successo nel mondo dello sport. Con abilità eccezionali, Gretzky non solo ha stabilito record impressionanti come segnare 200 punti in una stagione, ma ha anche creato traguardi difficili da superare, come segnare 50 gol in sole 39 partite. Il Campionato mondiale di hockey su ghiaccio è composto da quattro divisioni. Questa è la composizione di ciascun raggruppamento al termine delle competizioni del 2022 con i gruppi di appartenenza in vista dell’edizione 2023 e la loro posizione nella classifica mondiale IIHF. Nel 1951 le tredici partecipanti furono divise per la prima volta in due gruppi.
Attraverso i loro record, titoli e influenza, hanno dimostrato il loro status e hanno lasciato un segno indelebile nella storia di questo sport. Hockey”, non è solo uno dei più grandi giocatori nella storia dell’hockey, ma anche un’icona indelebile di grandezza attraverso le diverse epoche del gioco. Con più di 800 gol segnati nella sua carriera in NHL, Howe ha lasciato il segno con il suo stile offensivo di prim’ordine e la diversità di talento. La serie “24 per 24” lanciata da 90min si prefigge l’obiettivo di individuare i possibili protagonisti che si distingueranno in Germania.Per cominciare, ecco l’elenco dei 24 migliori giocatori che vedremo a Euro ’24. Il giocatore di hockey Dominik Hašek è considerato uno dei più grandi portieri della storia di questo sport.
Ha segnato 62 punti (19+43) in 41 partite e ne ha aggiunti altri 13 in dieci partite di playoff. Il grande club russo gli ha dato una possibilità all’inizio della nuova stagione, ma il giocatore si sta abituando gradualmente alla KHL. Tuttavia, se gli verrà data la giusta opportunità, potrà esprimere tutto il suo potenziale. Dovrebbe essere ancora più bravo del famoso Michkov, scelto quest’anno da Philadelphia. Tuttavia, l’infortunio al ginocchio potrebbe essere un problema e potrebbe saltare il resto dell’anno solare. Da venerdì a domenica Correggio e Mirandola hanno ospitato il Trofeo Promote HP 2024, vinto dalla Zona 2 (Veneto Friuli Venezia Giulia) nelle categorie U13 e U15, e dalla Zona 4 (Toscana-Liguria) nell’U17.
In un periodo in cui i difensori non erano generalmente considerati cannonieri, Orr ha cambiato il modo in cui veniva vista la posizione mostrando un’abilità offensiva impressionante. A vincere il titolo è stata la Spagna per la diciottesima volta nella sua storia sconfiggendo in finale l’Argentina. Martedì 31 dicembre, il Discover NHL Winter Classic® vedrà protagonisti i St. Louis Blues e i Chicago Blackhawks all’aperto al Wrigley Field di Chicago (ore 17.00 ET, TNT, MAX, SN, TVAS).
Davanti al pubblico di casa l’Italia cercherà di avanzare nella massima divisione ed entrare tra le migliori 16 squadre del mondo. L’hockey moderno è nato in Inghilterra alla metà del XIX secolo e si è sviluppato nelle scuole private in tutto il paese come Eton. Un’associazione di hockey fu creata nel 1875 prima di sciogliersi sette anni dopo. Nel 1886 nacque l’Hockey Association in Inghilterra e lavorò per stabilire le prime regole ufficiali dell’hockey. Il talismano di Brig punterà a scrivere la storia della Svizzera, che non vince una medaglia Olimpica di hockey su ghiaccio maschile dai Giochi di St. Moritz del 1948.
Al secondo posto la Zona 4 con 8 punti, terza la Zona 1 con 6 punti, quarta la Zona 3 con 3 punti e quinta la Zona 5. Tra i marcatori hanno spiccato le 10 reti di Gabriele Fiorese (Zona2), le 9 di Marco Locascio (Zona2) e le 6 di Simone Vivi (Zona 3). Nella Categoria Femminile 1 si sono giocate sei partite per atlete U11 e U13. L’Hockey Novara chiude con tre vittorie, la Rotellistica Scandianese con due mentre zero per l’Hockey Bassano 54. Nella Categoria Femmiinle 2, per atlete U13 e U15 sono sei le partite disputate. La Roller Matera ha vinto tre gare, l’Hockey Novara due, l’Hockey Bassano 1954 una e zero il Correggio Hockey zero.
The title match will take place on Sunday October 20, from 3pm in Cape Town. It would be a surprise if Australia were not in it, having contested all but one of the seven T20 World Cup finals so far. Also look out for 19-year-old all-rounder Freya Kemp, who missed out on last year’s tournament but is back this time out and provides serious firepower down the order and with her left-arm fast bowling.
This lineup combines experience, youth, batting depth, and varied bowling options, positioning New Zealand as a competitive force in the Women’s T20 World Cup 2024. With its revival in 2024, the winners of all awards for the past four years were announced at the glitzy ceremony in Hyderabad, with members of the Indian cricket teams, both men and women, in attendance. Al Jazeera picks the 10 players to watch out for at the ninth edition of the tournament. The 29-year-old has already made 287 international appearances in all formats for his country and goes into the World Cup in rich form. Al Jazeera’s rundown of the biggest players set to take centre stage at the T20 World Cup in the US and West Indies. Like so many all-rounders, his averages do not fully reflect his impact on the game, though averaging 12 more with the bat than the ball in Tests is an indication of his greatness.
A total of ten teams will compete for the trophy, with India, led by skipper Harmanpreet Kaur, among the favorites. Former India player and coach Ravi Shastri and Farokh Engineer were also bestowed with the Col. C. K. Nayudu Lifetime Achievement Award. Aiden Markram topped the list of most catches in the tournament with eight to his name. Compatriots Heinrich Klaasen and Tristan Stubbs also made it to the top 10 of the list.
Sangakkara is hopeful that with a better-balanced squad, Paarl will be able to go the distance in the upcoming season. Anderson retired from Test cricket earlier this year, ending one of the great careers and leaving a massive hole in the bowling attack for Brendon McCullum’s team. The right-arm quick has taken 139 wickets at 21.17 for Surrey over the past three seasons of the County Championships and according to former Test player Alec Stewart, Worrall would be a quality addition to the side. This year’s edition of the biennial tournament was originally going to take place in Bangladesh, but, after civil unrest there, the competition was moved to the United Arab Emirates. Three-time defending champions Australia are the favorite, but India — who have never won — are looking strong too.
“He’s great with the players,” Guardians pitcher Eli Morgan told Bally Sports Ohio last year. “He keeps it real with you. You feel like you can really trust him. He’s good down to his core. If you’re playing for a good guy, it helps with the trust factor.” Karthik announced his retirement from representative cricket after playing for Royal Challengers Bengaluru in IPL 2024. Only retired cricketers are allowed to play in overseas T20 leagues by the Board of Control for Cricket in India.
Like the actual tournament, the 10 participating teams were split into two groups of five and the two finalists, Scotland and Sri Lanka, qualified. As one of the youngest players in international cricket, Gunaratne has impressed with her composure on the field and maturity with the bat in tough situations making her a promising future for Sri Lanka. Her versatility as a batter and bowler makes her an interesting player to watch, as she can dominate the game.
In the Australia team, opening batter Beth Mooney currently top the ICC’s T20 batter rankings and is followed closely by her team-mate Tahlia McGrath, who is also taking on the vice-captain role. In the event of teams finishing level on points in the group stage, net run-rate will decide who progresses. Each innings will commence with a six-over powerplay where only two fielders are allowed outside the 30-yard circle.
The upcoming matches will reveal whether these adjustments can lead New Zealand back to T20 World Cup success. All 10 teams will rely on the experience of their big-name players to lead them all the way to glory in the October 20 final in Dubai. Fazalhaq Farooqi’s 5/9 against Uganda on 3 June, 2024 were the best figures in the tournament and the fourth-placed in the all-time T20 World Cup best bowling figures list. Akeal Hosein with his 5/11 against the same opponents five days later had the second-best figures (and sixth-best in the all-time list). In a tournament that tested the batters, certain exceptional knocks stood out.
He’s among the most versatile batters in the world at the moment, and is one of the first names on the Black Caps’ team sheet in all formats. Daryl Mitchell might have arrived late to international cricket, but he’s wasted no time making a major impact. Averaging over 50 with the bat in both Tests and ODIs, the New Zealander has also picked up several franchise gigs, including a big-money deal with the Chennai Super Kings for the 2024 season. Since then, he has established himself as an incredibly effective, all-format, fast bowler. Rabada’s control, pace and bounce make him an asset even on unhelpful surfaces. Every match will be live on Sky Sports, starting with the tournament opener between Bangladesh and Scotland on Thursday October 3 in Sharjah and concluding with the final in Dubai on Sunday October 20.
But the Reds scored a big public-relations win by hiring Tito, who’s coming out of retirement after sitting out this season. Now the front office has to give its new manager the players he needs to turn the Reds into a winner. Paarl Royals will be looking to win the elusive title after having made the playoffs in the first two editions of the SA20.
“There is no doubt he will be in the selectors’ thoughts because you could get a couple of great years from him. Ultimately, playing for him will be about winning Tests. “He moves the ball consistently. I like what he does with that wide angle on the crease, he can swing the ball away and nip it back. He has a lot of weapons in his armoury. “He is as close to Jimmy Anderson skills wise that I’ve seen, and he’s just got better and better. Would I pick him? We’re about winning, so yes. The 33-year-old, who is a British citizen, made the choice to change his allegiances two years ago and is now close to being eligible for international selection. You can watch the Women’s Cricket T20 World Cup through India’s Disney+ Hotstar streaming service.
The service is much more affordable than any of the above options at just Rs. 299 (about $3.50) a month. If you don’t have a VPN and want to access Hotstar for Women’s T20 World Cup streams, we recommend ExpressVPN. It costs about $13 a month and offers fast, secure service to hundreds of locations around the world. The BBC Sport website and app will have live text commentary on every match, alongside in-play and post-match video highlights. South Africa, who were runners-up last year, will look to all-rounder Marizanne Kapp, who is a regular in franchise leagues around the world, and captain Laura Wolvaadart.
Jadeja is a fierce competitor, though, and would be in contention for a world XI in any conditions in any format. South Africa have batting and bowling standouts in Laura Wolvaardt and Shabnim Ismail, respectively, while star spinners Alana King of Australia and India’s Deepti Sharma could prove a nightmare for opposition batters. England boast the world’s No 1 ranked T20 bowler in the form of star spinner Sophie Ecclestone, who also tops the ODI charts along with Nat Sciver-Brunt in the batting rankings.
Akhter has established remarkable batsmanship at such a young age, with leg spin also playing an important role. As of now, Akter has played 25 T20Is, scoring 248 runs and taking 13 wickets. Akter will be one to watch out for on the slow and spin tracks in Dubai and Sharjah.
You’ll need fubo’s International Sports Plus add-on, in addition to one of its base packages. Sides play the other teams in their group once with the top two progressing to the semi-finals. The winners of Group A face the runners-up in Group B and vice versa before the winners of those games advance to the final. Alongside her is India’s highest-ranked bowler and all-rounder in the T20 format, Deepti Sharma, who is usually very economical with the ball and shows useful runs in the middle order.
Shakib is one of the handful of players who have played in all eight editions of the T20 World Cup. Kohli was the player of the tournament at the 50-over Cricket World Cup 2023. At 35 years of age, the T20 World Cup could mark his last attempt to add another trophy to a glittering career, and the man often known as “King Kohli” is not one to miss too many chances. Check out more of our Sport coverage or visit our TV Guide and Streaming Guide to find out what’s on. For more from the biggest stars in TV, listen to The Radio Times Podcast.
The tournament will offer a record amount of prize money totalling £6m, the ICC has confirmed, with the champions to win £1.77m – more than double the previous award for 2023 champions Australia (£756,335). The losing finalists will walk away with £884,911, while each of the 10 participating teams are assured of £85,088. After reaching the semi-finals last year, India look one of the strongest sides. In her recent news conference she said that they are confident they can “beat any team” and their expectation is to “lift the trophy”. If a match is drawn, a super over will be played to decide who wins (each team will face six balls – highest score wins). If the super over is tied as well, then subsequent super overs will be played to determine the winning team.
The left-arm finger spinner has best bowling figures of 5-8 in 87 T20 internationals at only 24 years of age. Akter claimed 2-17 on debut nine years ago as a 15-year-old against Pakistan in Karachi. Opening batter Mooney currently tops the ICC’s T20 batter rankings and is one of the many big-name players in an experienced Australian squad.
What’s a list of top players in the world without the current Captain America on it? Possibly the best American soccer player ever produced, Pulisic has won a Champions Leauge title with Chelsea, a DFB Pokal with Borussia Dortmund along with multiple honors for the United States men’s national team. Now, entering the prime of his career with Milan, it seems like Pulisic is enjoying his soccer while also producing results with it.
Belgium will hope De Bruyne is fit and firing for the Euros, where they could benefit from his experience in a new-look squad that is hoping to improve on the team’s quarterfinal appearances at Euro 2016 and Euro 2020. If host Euro 2024 nation Germany is to have any chance of winning the trophy on home soil, Wirtz will need to be at his impactful best in order for them to succeed. Other formers include the likes of Wayne Rooney, Cesc Fabregas, Kylian Mbappe and Erling Haaland, but also names such as Mario Balotelli, Anderson and Alexandre Pato, whose career was heavily disrupted by injuries. Outrageously talented young ballers from Manchester United, Barcelona, Bayern Munich and others are all battling it out to be crowned the 2024 Golden Boy. Before the merge, The Best FIFA Football Awards was known as FIFA World Player of the Year. Ex-England international Jermaine Jenas and presenter Samantha Johnson were the hosts for 2022, while Jenas was accompanied by broadcaster Reshmin Chowdhury in 2021.
At RB Leipzig, Simons operated on both wings and also as an attacking midfielder, carrying the ball around, maximising possession and creating goal-scoring opportunities for his teammates. Created in 2009 in honour of Real Madrid icon Ferenc Puskas, captain and star of the Hungary national team during the 1950s, the FIFA Puskas Award is handed out to the player judged to have scored the best goal of the year. The winner of the The Best FIFA Men’s Player award is usually a player who wins or shines deep in either the biggest international tournaments of the year, and/or the Champions League. In the summer of 2024, the European Championship and Copa America took place with Spain and Argentina emerging victorious, respectively. His double against Lazio in the Champions League last 16 second leg took the England captain to 33 goals in all competitions.
Signing Alejandro Grimaldo on a free transfer proved to be a transformative bit of business from Xabi Alonso.The former Benfica left-back was a constant source of goals in his first season at Bayer Leverkusen, helping the German side go unbeaten domestically. He’s won the World Cup and Copa America (twice) with Argentina and the Champions League, Premier League (twice again) and FA Cup with Manchester City. It’s no surprise that the forward got a little bored and decided to jet off to Atletico Madrid in search of more regular first-team football, where he will be hoping to add to his honours list up against city rivals Real Madrid and Catalan giants Barcelona.
Still only 25, the versatile attacker has yet to even enter the prime of his career ahead of an important summer where he’ll lead the USMNT during Copa America on home soil. He’s dealt with his fair share of injuries as of late, but when healthy, there is Ballon d’Or potential there for the Barcelona budding superstar. Since joining from Las Palmas in 2020, he’s got 20 goals in 143 games and was viewed as the face of Barca after Lionel Messi’s departure to PSG. Pedri is versatile, wants the ball at his feet, can carry the ball into space or place the ball perfectly there. It’s his elite passing that sets him apart because of his quick movement and cleverness.
Arsenal’s winless league run had extended into its sixth game, a tame 1-1 draw against Southampton. “You deserve more Arsenal fans”, he tweeted, the broken heart emoji reflecting the sheer devastation that the man they called ‘little chilli’ shared with the rest of the fanbase. “We don’t but you do,” was the response of many for a player whose early career was to be forged through setbacks, not just tough early seasons for his boyhood club but that penalty miss in the Euro 2020 final and all that came with it. Beyond our daily fantasy football content, be sure to check out our Daily Fantasy Football Tools.
Though his feisty side might still shine through on occasion, Granit Xhaka, the once-hot-blooded former captain of Arsenal, was the cool head who guided Bayer Leverkusen beyond their wildest dreams last season. The player that Xabi Alonso wanted to set standards both on and off the pitch ended up breaking records, making and completing more passes while registering more touches than anyone else in a Bundesliga campaign. Soccer remains a global passion, uniting fans through riveting matches and unforgettable talent.
A shoulder injury halted Garrett’s sack pace, but even his burdened presence was a major factor for the Browns’ No. 1-ranked defense because of the attention he requires. Jones has long been the focal point for offensive coordinators game-planning against a defense that has supported Kansas City’s ongoing dynasty. In 2023, the 30-year-old captained the youngest defense in the league to back-to-back Super Bowl glory, collecting 10.5 sacks, 39 QB pressures, 29 QB hits and 13 tackles for loss. What makes Jones so impressive is the seemingly effortless way in which he causes havoc for opposing linemen, which he can produce from anywhere across the defensive line. His play recognition is superb, and his knack for batting down passes at the line of scrimmage makes him even more of a nuisance for quarterbacks. Riding a streak of five straight Pro Bowl bids and two All-Pro honors, Jones earns his highest ranking to date in the Top 100.
During their time at Real Madrid, Karim Benzema inevitably played in the shadow of Ronaldo – and although the pair ply their trade for different clubs in Saudi Arabia, the Portuguese legend still has the edge on salary – just. His career may ultimately have been one of underachievement on the pitch but in terms of salary, Neymar is a history maker. Not only the highest paid footballer in the world but the highest paid footballer of all time.
An ability to break up and start attacks while running a game is like no other active player, and he’s even added big time goals to his repertoire, scoring the Champions League winner. The Spain international has managed to burst onto the scene at Athletic Bilbao alongside his brother Inaki, who narrowly missed this list, but it is the younger Williams brother who looks destined for stardom. A winger with speed, technical ability and incredible talent, he can beat almost any defender with his super dribbling skills.
Madrid teammate Jude Bellingham enjoyed a sensational first season at Madrid and is a contender, but struggled at the Euros despite scoring a brilliant bicycle kick against Slovakia. The shortlist of potential winners will not be revealed until later in 2024. Furthermore, recognition is also given to the top coaches in the men’s and women’s games. Catch up on “The Top 100 Players of 2024” — voted on by the players themselves — on NFL+! Trent Alexander-Arnold’s wizardry from right-back was a major feature of Jurgen Klopp’s dazzling spell in charge of Liverpool.The local lad is one of the most prolific assisters in the top flight with a truly generational passing range. There remain questions over whether he should be moved into midfield, but he offers something incredibly unique from defence.
He posted a 92.3% passing accuracy in the attacking third, taking five shots and creating one chance in the process. The Portuguese midfielder has really come into his own over the last season, becoming an integral part of a Paris Saint-Germain team that made it to the semifinals of the Champions League while also winning Ligue 1 and the French Cup. The 24-year-old Portuguese international joined from Porto in 2022 and had a stellar campaign this season with nine goals in 46 games. His creativity on the ball and ability to shoot from a distance has made him PSG’s most dangerous player, arguably, behind Kylian Mbappe. He only needs a little bit of room to launch a rocket, and he seems to enjoy pulling the trigger from range over getting into the box.
There are few better in Serie A than the Italy international, who played a key role in Inter’s run to the Champions League final in 2023. Beyond our fantasy football content, be sure to check out our award-winning slate of Fantasy Football Tools as you navigate your season. The Brazilian international has wonderful technique and strikes the ball so cleanly, both in open play and from set pieces. All six of Douglas Luiz’s league goals, including a brace against West Ham United, have come at Villa Park in the best season of his career so far. The best footballers in the world have made 2023 an incredible football year. These players are at the absolute top level and hard to compare to each other.
Really makes us wish we’d tried harder in PE and done a few more sit-ups instead of seeing how many chicken dippers we could scran without dying. Vote on the footballers based on how much they dominated the pitch this year.
The cool-headed Indian star was one of the leading performers at the Women’s Hundred tournament in England, where her monstrous six-off sealed the title for London Spirit. The Vikings defense is good, but they have allowed 22 receptions to tight ends, ranking them sixth-worst. Conklin isn’t going to blow anyone’s socks off, but he has caught nine of 15 targets over the last two games and should be in line for another shot at a decent workload this week. Cooper has had some bad drops this season, but he’s getting open and getting targets, which is about all you need when facing the Commanders secondary. Washington has allowed 10 passing touchdowns to wide receivers and intercepted no passes. The Jets defense is solid, but they have been more effective against the pass than the run.
Remember, “The less you bet, the more you lose when you win!” Follow him on Twitter @chrisfallica. The Belgian midfielder has put his signing on a renewed contract in the summer of 2021. One of the great midfielders of his generation, rumours abound that Toni Kross will retire when his contract expires at the end of next season. Interestingly, it is still not enough for the Parisians to win UEFA Champions League. Nevertheless, Kylian Mbappe previously had the top spot for highest paid footballer in the world when he signed his contract with PSG.
What makes Bellingham’s achievements all the more stunning this season is that he was never previously relied upon for goals in his career. Salah’s now in that special territory where it’s all about records, standing fifth in all-time scoring for the Reds and tenth in the history of the Premier League, and he’s yet to show any signs of slowing down. Able to defend, attack, press, score and provide at an elite level, Griezmann is now getting the recognition he deserves, and there’s a good chance he will get even more as France’s most important player at the Euros.
When considering a possible drop in touches while also facing a team that is one of the top run defenses, the stars are not aligning for Moss. After starring in Ligue 1 with Lyon, Ferland Mendy departed for Real Madrid in 2019 and made an immediate impact. But he’s stepped up when it has mattered most and his well-rounded skill set means he’s one of the most complete left-backs in the world. Wendell was a late bloomer on the international scene, only making his Brazil debut in 2024. It did, however, come just in time to play as his country’s first choice left-back at that year’s Copa America.He has garnered attention for his role in Porto’s recent dominance in Portugal and could add to his trophy cabinet during the twilight of his career. Be prepared for bye weeksPlan ahead for bye weeks by having backup players ready to fill in for your starters.
The Ballon d’Or is a ceremony founded and run by France Football, whereas The Best FIFA Football Awards were founded and run by FIFA. They are two separate awards, although between 2010 and 2015, they merged together to form the FIFA Ballon d’Or. This award celebrates the work of the best coaches in world football, and it ultimately decides which manager is considered to have been the best over the past 12 months.
Vinicius Junior has just delivered for Real Madrid in the biggest game in football, again. Harry Kane, Erling Haaland and Kylian Mbappe continue to top the continent’s scoring charts. Just like their counterparts on the opposite flank, the best left-backs combine pace and intelligence to be a threat in attack or in defense.
Bellingham’s all-action, dynamic presence saw him transform from teenage wildcard to instant starter for England at the World Cup 2022 and he has never looked back. His displays for Dortmund put them firmly in title contention against the Bayern Munich juggernaut, spurned only by goal difference, before making the move to Real Madrid where he has added an abundance of goals to his arsenal. The one trait all great strikers share is an ability to find themselves in great scoring positions with frequency. For the best part of half a decade, Alvaro Morata did that, but the ball just did not go in the net as often as it ought to. At almost every club he ended up at he would be the whipping boy, the player who infuriated a portion of the fanbase because so many big chances came and went. He had to overcome his own hurdles to keep his stock high nearly a decade after winning the World Cup, though.
Able to comfortably look like one of the best in the world at both centre back and right back, the Uruguayan is attracting interest from quite literally every big club in the world due to an expiring contract. Primed to take that mantle are Erling Haaland and Kylian Mbappe, who have long been pencilled in as football’s new attacking rivalry, though Harry Kane may have something to say about that. And our ranking of the world’s best players is based on who’s the best right now. The award, for the best player in the world in 2023, saw many of the voters take Messi’s 2022 World Cup heroics into account. His physicality is unrivalled, his finishing ability – including improvised, instinctive finishing by any means necessary – is staggering and he boasts a turn of pace that few in the Premier League could match. The next few years should be explosive and, if he proves his consistency over several years, he will sit No.1 in this list without rival.
Parker Brailsford, C, AlabamaI was unsure what to expect from Brailsford after he opted out of spring football, but he looks fantastic early on for the Crimson Tide. Brailsford is a bit undersized but shows elite quickness, technique, and the ability to pull and add gaps in the running game. He has a bright future and will face a tough decision about whether to stay for another season or leave early. Kyle Kennard, Edge, South CarolinaThe former Yellow Jacket is excelling for the Gamecocks, with 5.5 sacks, 17 total pressures, and 8.5 TFLs on a defense that is dominating early. Kennard has a nice toolbox of moves, including a great get-off, speed to power, and a quick inside move. He had an impressive game against future first-rounder Will Campbell of LSU a few weeks ago.
Despite being out of action since then, Erling Haaland remains the Premier League’s joint-top goalscorer alongside Mohamed Salah. He’s unlikely to match last season’s incredible tally but it won’t be for want of trying. “Sometimes, I score a goal and get an assist but I might still be unsatisfied with myself,” Sane said earlier in the season. “I have very high demands of myself there, which I always want to meet.” While he is a key figure for Bayern, it remains to be seen how he fits in for Germany this summer with Florian Wirtz, Jamal Musiala and Kai Havertz potentially their first-choice front three. These are your showboats, your certain goal scorers, your free-roaming forces of nature.
Tech has been off since a loss at Louisville, where the score really didn’t do justice as to how close that game was. I laid 7 earlier in the week, and as long as it’s under 10, I’d still feel good about the Jackets putting up a big number here. The Northwestern offense is a brutal watch, but my guy Sammy P says to watch out for the wind off Lake Michigan this week. That could seriously hinder the Hoosiers’ passing game at this makeshift stadium, which offers no protection from the elements.
“It’s always super special to play against Novak. But the difference is normally we have been playing for finals or semi-finals. This is a second round,” Nadal said. “The goal is always for me to try to go all the way to the finals and fight for the trophy. That kind of mindset is no different for me this year,” Djokovic told a news conference on Saturday. Open champion to successfully defend his title since Swiss great Roger Federer in 2008. He said he managed to increase the intensity of his training since his arrival in Madrid and is hoping to be 100 percent ready for his opener on Saturday against Arthur Rinderknech or Alexander Shevchenko. The 20-year-old Alcaraz is coming off a right arm injury that forced him to skip the tournaments in Monte Carlo and Barcelona.
These errors can cause serious injury or, at the very least, irritate the sensitive tissues either on the inside or outside of an elbow, leading to a tennis elbow. This study examines the the growth time series characteristics of elite tennis players and compares the disparities between the best Chinese players and their global counterparts. The findings indicate that elite tennis players are mainly from Europe and the Americas, typically begin tennis at the age of 5, commence ranking around 18, and attain a high level of proficiency at around 20. Notably, Chinese female elite players demonstrate no significant differences in their time-related characteristics when compared to top players. One of the most telling signs of the best tennis coach in Malaysia is a history of success. Whether measured by the number of players they’ve developed into competitive athletes or the achievements of their proteges in tournaments, a coach’s track record speaks volumes.
The last time five American women featured in the top 15 was May 24, 2004, when Lindsay Davenport was fourth in the world. World number two Coco Gauff led the American charge followed by sixth-ranked Jessica Pegula and Danielle Collins, who climbed two spots to ninth on the list amid a remarkable farewell season. You can watch the Rolex Shanghai Masters tournament highlights with commentary for free on YouTube via the official Shanghai Masters streaming channel. The Tennis Channel is one of many sports-specific providers available via fuboTV. Next up for her is Wimbledon semi-finalist Donna Vekic, who put out former US Open champion Bianca Andreescu. Swiatek, tested in her opening match under the roof on Court Philippe Chatrier, enjoyed a far more straightforward outing in bright sunshine on Monday.
If the support seems to help you lift objects such as heavy books, then continue with it. Be aware that such bands can cut off circulation and impede healing, so best to use once your tennis elbow pain has disappeared. (Doctor of Chiropractic), has always said that an ounce of prevention is better than a pound of cure. Before any activity, make sure that you sufficiently warm up and cool down. If you use a racquet, try stretching both wrists and elbows’ extensor muscles before and after each game. Also, ice after each tennis match, even if you do not have a tennis elbow.
Are you interested in booking a tennis lesson with an ITF Certified Coach in Malaysia? The editorial of reserve the right to edit any article or videos for publication on the website. Please contact us at for the opportunity to be our community sports contributor.
To make things more impressive, he actually shoos them away without hurting them. While there are a number of eateries and food stands scattered across the Grounds, the tournament is also known for its iconic Wimbledon picnic on the Hill. In fact, strawberries and cream have become something of a Wimbledon icon. It is estimated that around 50,000 kilograms of strawberries and 14,900 litres of cream are consumed each year during the tournament, feeding the crowd around the Grounds. Kevin Zahri is a renowned health and fitness influencer from Malaysia, with over 20 years of experience in the industry. He is an author, coach, and advocate for healthy lifestyles, and has helped thousands of individuals achieve their weight loss and fitness goals through his programs and online platforms.
Male athletes started tennis at a younger age, took less time to rank from 400–201, and needed a shorter time to reach the top 10 compared to female athletes (Table 5). Top 600 was used as the starting point for entry into the professional circuit, based on the earlier recommendation of the International Tennis Federation that 600 be considered as seeding for futures events [14]. The moments when the points ranking exceeds 600, 100 and 10 for the first time are used to analyze the growth characteristics of the player. The time taken to enter the top 100 is calculated by subtracting the moment of first entry into the top 600 from the time of first entry into the top 100.
Tennis is a widely popular sport globally, second only to football in terms of its influence. Its competitive and spectator-friendly nature, along with the potential for high prize money, attracts numerous participants and fans. Previous research has delved into the developmental history of tennis players. For instance, Maquirriain’s study [4] found that almost half of the top-ranked female (48.7%) and male (52.5%) players maintained their positions for the following year. Another study, which analyzed 17 years of Grand Slam events, recommended that players commence their professional careers at either the US Open or Wimbledon [5].
(Read more about the event here.) Both girls have trained at MCM since Year 1 under coaches Paulo and Yannick who have helped them achieve the title of being best in Malaysia for their age group. The last time Djokovic played all four majors in a season without winning one was 14 years ago. Yet the Serb looked like he was in fine form at the Olympics, beating French Open champion Alcaraz in the final. However, there were significant differences in the age of starting tennis, the time taken to rank from 400–201, and the time taken to reach the top 10.
At the same time, it is of great significance for the efficient and sustainable cultivation of Chinese tennis players. We can help you regardless of how far your tennis elbow pain has progressed, but we prefer to see you early on. The long-term effects of an elbow injury can be minimized, and the damage sustained corrected; when therapy is targeted and given at a frequency recommended by our clinical chiropractors. Lateral epicondylitis (Tennis Elbow) is descriptive of an elbow injury resulting in elbow pain and swelling.
The Ashes and the current ICC T20 Men’s World Cup round out an incredible stretch of major world sporting coverage in the past 18 months. In 2018, Rolex became Official Timekeeper of the US Open in recognition of the human endeavour and passion for tennis that the tournament has showcased over the decades. This tournament is truly special, in that it is the only one to have been played every year since its inception in 1881. With his career winding down, Nadal hailed compatriot and heir Carlos Alcaraz who is already a two-time major winner at the age of 20. A few weeks of planning passed and on a slightly wet afternoon in July, two teams of 20 players descended on DinkIt purpose-built courts in Kota Kamuning for the battle to commence.
With the launch of “Lawn Tennis,” the athletes complained of persistent soreness and pain along the lateral aspect of their elbows. Many golfers are baffled when they developed a tennis elbow, and the same holds for the tennis players that develop a golfer’s elbow. This unexpected change is a recent phenomenon, and its’ development is due to the recent shifts in both golf and tennis techniques. Both the golfers and tennis players are now utilizing more dynamic motions.
“Several years ago, he was in Kuching as he volunteered to help with coaching our young players before he moved to Singapore,” Liew revealed. “Other states have also improved and produced players who represent the national team. This is according to Sarawak Lawn Tennis Association (SLTA) president Dato Patrick Liew, who said this was part of the final preparations for Sarawak players mounting a strong push for medals.
The data for this study was mainly collected from publicly available sources, including the official ATP website (), the official WTA website (). In addition, no more than 10% of the data on the age of starting tennis were taken from Wikipedia in conjunction with the results of other web searches. The top 100 ATP and WTA ranked players have been included in the research scope. Furthermore, taking into account the limited number of Chinese athletes in the sample, two relatively high-ranking Chinese players were supplemented as research subjects. Since the data for this study were obtained from the internet and no subjects were needed, no ethical proof was required.
She embodies a resilient athletic spirit,” Sun said before their match, affectionately referring to the Shanghai-born Ni as “Auntie Ni,” highlighting her respect and their close bond. Over time, for simplicity and convenience, the term “Tennis Elbow” became popular. The mechanism of injury in the tennis elbow (lateral epicondylitis) is supination coupled with extension. With dedicated coaches and fantastic facilities, it’s no surprise that the tennis stars of the future are being trained right here at the College. Recently, MCM triumphed at a very competitive FOBISIA Tennis Championships in Hua Hin, Thailand securing the best results that the College has ever seen with Year 8 pupils Amanda and Audrey winning the gold and silver medals respectively for their category.
Unfortunately, the Pole, who has an injury-plagued season, won’t be able to defend his Shanghai crown this time. There was a slew of upsets in the event last year, with Rublev the only top-10 seed to make it past the fourth round. In the 2023 doubles event, 7th seeds Marcel Granollers and Horacio Zeballos defeated Rohan Bopanna and Matthew Ebden 5-7, 6-2, 10-7 to take their first title in Shanghai. Twelve months on, the Spanish/Argentinian duo are now the top seeds, aiming to claim a third Masters title in 2024. Overall, the majority of top 100 players in professional tennis tournaments are from Europe and the United States, with relatively fewer players hailing from Asia and Africa. The United States leads the world in tennis, with 24 players in the top 100, followed by Russia, Spain and France, with 15, 14, and 13 players respectively, forming the second group.
Our desire to learn has led to discoveries that we have made, and these findings led to the development of procedures that others do not do. If you have elbow pain, regardless of what the cause may be, we can help. The difficulty is in diagnosing every component of the injured or malfunctioning part. Tennis elbow (lateral epicondylitis) and golfer’s elbow (medial epicondylitis) are among our most researched and trained subjects.